Chapter 3: I'm A Luna Now Or Maybe Not?

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The crowd is still roaring in applause as I stand up. My father can't keep the smile off his face and mother will she is bawling her eyes out. I look at my brother and he mouths the words new Luna. Cheese and Rice, did I just disrespect the new Luna! The crowd parts leaving me a trail to the grand staircase. I walk slowly to the stairs keeping me head down. Now I know why they took flappy bird off the app store. That game is life-ruining fun.

As the reach the top of the stairs, Alpha what's-his-long-name is staring down at me. His eyes focused on me. They are on the verge of light green and maybe gray. How you mix them two together? I don't know you tell me... He pulls me to his side with a smack. My hand that wasn't squishing into his side flew out with a force. My phone flying free over the banister straight onto the cold marble ground. Tears sprang to the corners of my eyes as the sound of a sickening crack hit my ears.

"Give a warm welcome to the new Luna of the Full Moon Pack!" The Beta bellows. Wait, whaaaaatttttt? I'm the new Luna; I thought this guy hated me!? Alright my dad is playing a horrible trick on me. A funny guy my dad is, a funny guy indeed....

The alpha didn't let go of me as we walk down the stairs. As we hit the ground floor people began swarming us. Perfect time for my excellent getaway.

"Alpha Kade you have chosen a perfect Luna." Kade turns to the man that had spoken. I spun in the opposite direction forcing him to let go of my waist.

I maneuver through the large crowd of people surrounding Kade. Where my iPhone now lay on the floor. I shut my eyes as I pick it up already knowing the screen is completely totaled. This is my karma for insulting Joey earlier today.

Walking with my head down I make my way back to our table. Blocking out all of the congratulations and 'you're so lucky comments.' When I reach our table my family stands up to greet me. My mother snatches me up into a hug crushing my whole body.

"Oh sweetie I can't believe the Alpha choose you. You are going to be a great Luna!" I narrow my eyes at my mom. She must be joking this isn't real. Doesn't she know dad is playing a trick?

"My little girl is going to be a Luna, will look at that." My mouth drops open, no one was snickering. No cameras popped out screaming you just got punked.

"Wait a minute this is real!?" I take a large step back to look at my insane family.

"Princess what are you talking about of course this is real." My dad says.

"No it is not! Dad please tell me this is all some huge practical joke and tomorrow I will wake up and my life will be normal!" I say rather quickly.

I think I am having a heart attack. I sit down in my chair clutching my heart. I turn to face my brother and he isn't even looking at me. His eyes are frozen in his lap, while he twiddles his fingers.

"Joey..." I whisper faintly. He doesn't even raise his head to look at me.

"Yes Luna." My face pales. No not my brother, please moon goddess not my twin brother.

"Sweetie are you alright, you are looking a little pale." My dad ask crouching down next to me. I shake my head in wild side to side motions. This can't be happening....

"Nope, no I don't believe you. This isn't happing to me." I look franticly from face to face all around the room at the pack members. Everybody but my brother was smiling back at me.

"Is everything alright Aubrey?" Anger consumed me. There is only one person who uses my name after every sentence. I spun around to face Kade or whatever his long name is.

"Why me!?" I yell.

Kade narrows his eyes at me before grabbing my arm and pulling me off. My feet trip over one another as he walks briskly away from the crowd. Once we are alone in an empty room. He turns and faces me once more.

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