Chapter 14: The Return Of Greatness

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----Aubrey P.O.V----

My mind is in overdrive as Demetrius finishes up the last of the names.

"Class of 2014!" The crowd uproars in applause as we all bow.

"Are you just going to stand there or walk down the stairs Bre?"Joey asks from over my shoulder.

I walk down the stairs and as my feet hit the floor my mom and dad engulf me in a hug.

"I am so proud of you two!" My mom says letting go of me and grabbing Joey.

"Joey!" I scream again. "b-b-but how?" I say turning to my father.

"Why don't you ask Demetrius?" Joey says just as Demetrius starts heading down the stairs.

I turn to him in complete shock. I would have never guessed he would do something like this. Demetrius is still smiling at me as he steps off the stairs. He is instantly swarmed by pack members asking questions about moving. I am shoved to the back of the crowd as people continue to gather around. I stumble backwards.

"Woah, careful there sis, that's how people die." Joey mocks catching me by arm.

"I'm sorry it's just I'm so stunned. I don't even know if this is real or if I'm dreaming." I say pinching myself.

"It is very much real." A deep voice whispers in my ear. I jump slight and with a sharp turn collide into Demetrius chest. He catches me before I fall. Staring at the floor, I start mumbling not sure what to say.

"I-Um-I-Ah, Thank you." I say finally looking back up at him.

A smile spreads across his face, his dimples on full show.

"You're welcome and I hope we can talk soon; but for now enjoy the party and catch up with your brother."

I nod my head before scanning the room for Joey; of course he is at the food table. Just as I step off to run to him, I spin around. Wrapping my arms Demetrius neck I pull him into a hug. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. His arms wrap around my waste pulling me up higher.

"You're really not a bad guy Demetrius." I whisper in his ear. His arm tighten around me before gently letting me to the ground.

"Save me a dance." He says

"Of course." I smile and stand on my tippy-toes and giving him another kiss on the cheek.

Spinning around I see Joey already looking at me weaving frantically and pointing at a cheese platter. With one last smile at Demetrius I run over back to Joey.

-Demetrius P.O.V-

I watch as Aubrey runs over to her brother. It didn't take much getting Joey back. I would have done anything to see her smile like that again.

"I still don't like him." Brayden says coming up from behind me.

"Get over it, you're just mad because he challenged you." Brayden growls and I chuckle.

"What's next then?" He asks after pouting.

"We take care of the leave request. Then we get rid of the shifters." I turn to face him completely. "Their not gonna win this round."

"I agree." Brayden says, I can see the darkness in his eyes and I know mine look the same.

-Aubrey's P.O.V-

"Let me tell you this girl was crazy. Like I'm 100% sure she was a psychopath." Joey says putting another cheese in his mouth. I laugh again all of the stories he had been telling was making my insides hurt.

"So, did you sleep with her." I say through my fits of laughter.

"Hell No! I would be dead, I think she may be stalking me." Joey glances around the room. I can't but throw my head back and let out a boisterous loud laugh.

"What is so funny over here you two." My mom ask as she sits down my father following close behind.

"Joey, was just telling me about all the crazy human women he met on his adventures." My mom and dads face scrunched up.

"Well I want to hear all about your adventures. Minus the parts about the women." Joey and my father laugh and I quickly glance around the room. Spotting Demetrius talking to his Beta in a corner of the room.

"Hey mom, hit me with the time." My mom gave me a confused look before looking at her watch.

"It fifteen minutes until midnight." I nod at her and raise up from my seat.

"Demetrius asked me to save him a dance awhile ago." My family waves to me as I walk off.

I cross the room quickly, eager to dance with him. I tap him on the shoulder and he spins around.

"You said to save you a dance, and um I know they play slow songs for the last bit." I say tugging on the hem on my dress.

"Come on." He says grabbing my hand and gently pulling me onto the dance floor.

I wrap my hands around his shoulders and he pulls me close with his hands around my waist.

"Hmm I see someone has been practicing." He says.

"Oh shut up." I say resting my head on his shoulder. His face nuzzled in my neck. We dance in silence for a bit our bodies rocking slowly in cadence together.

"How?" I ask simply picking my head up to look at him.

"Mmm, I know a really amazing Alpha." He says his breath hot on my ear.

"Thank you, I know I was hard to deal with. I guess I really didn't know how to handle it. I was acting like a spoiled brat and just rude."

"It's not all your fault, I shouldn't have forced you into it. I just hope you forgive me now and we can start over."

"I would like that." I say with a smile, resting my head on my shoulder I focus on the warm feeling crawling up my body.

"Aubrey about that day, when I got angry... I really want you and your family to move closer. Not to my house but the pack house. The shifters are getting dangerous. I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt. I am having all the pack members move closer."

"I understand Demetrius, I know you are just trying to protect me." We dance some more in silence. I quickly come to the conclusion on why my body is reacting this way in his hold. "My wolf has recognized you as her mate and I think she accepts it."

"My wolf and I have always known." He says pulling me tighter.

Our wolves inside are unique. Most Alpha and Betas can communicate with their wolves. Other can not simply because the bond isn't strong enough. We need our wolves less so they only appear when needed. Sometimes it's a physical feeling sometimes it's mental. It all depends on the situation, some warriors learn to speak to their wolves, for battle purposes.

"You know everybody is leaving." Demetrius says looking down at me. He rest his forehead on mine, I gaze into his forest green eyes forgetting already what he said.

"Do you wanna stop dancing?" He ask again.

"No." I reply wrapping my arms around his neck again and resting my head on his chest. "Don't let go." I whisper the warm feeling now completely engulfing me.

"I'm not." He whispers to me.


WOAH! I bet you are sitting there like is this really a update?!?!?! OMG IT IS YAYYYYYYY *Does a little dance*.

So I am sorry for being MIA but I have had a lot of writers block and with recent inspiration it has come to a stop.

My laptop is still broken so this is poorly edited because I am updating from the app. My editors have also went very much MIA. So yea umm.

1) How have you been, it's been awhile?

2) What do you think; was it good?

Thats all I got for now guys. Oh and if any of you want to send me covers or banners or anything go ahead and I will reply.


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