A/N (Sorry It Had To Be Done)

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Dear my lovely readers,

I wasn’t planning on writing this but I feel like I have to clear some things up. First thing this book will be edited when it is finished! Since most people can’t comprehend that and I keep getting comments about one or two grammar things I missed, I will be taking the next 2 weeks to go back in edited the whole book. I know I should just ignore them and keep moving on but I am tired of deleting comments about grammar. So since people can’t understand that I have school, basketball and tons of homework and that I can't take the time to go back and rewrite every chapter. I will be going back to edit the last 8.

Second thing (I am not as annoyed by this as I am the first thing) KADE’S name is Demetrius Kade. His sir name is Kade and his first name Demetrius. I guess I didn’t make that clear enough in the second chapter when she kept calling him Alpha Kade and he kept telling her to call him Demetrius.

That is all I have to say and I will see you guys in two weeks!


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