Chapter 13: Yay Another Party (because they didn't learn from the last time)

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"Ummm, so yeah I'm finished." I say looking over the class of eyes staring back at me. A soft applause starts then slowly grew. I smile at the class before turning and gathering my things.

Today is my very last day of school. To know surprise the teachers pushed us to the very last day. Nope not even as a senior did they give us a break.

"Great presentation Aubrey." My History teacher Mr.Martin says.

I smile at him softly and take my seat. I noticed something different in the teachers in the past month. They are all treating me better; no I wasn't nerd but I had decent grades. (By decent I mean, I had a B+ average.)

Now every teacher is just being so fake to me; all because I am Luna now. At least that is what everybody says I am. Now I bet your sitting there like what didn't her and Demetrius just have a nice date? Your answer is yes but that doesn't mean I am just head over heels in love with him now. Matter of fact I still loath him with a passion. I lost my best-friend, my brother because of him and that isn't something you just forget about.

Unless you are the many weak females in books these days. I swear they have like short time memory lost or something. I mean your boyfriend just got done cheating on you and you forgive him in a few short days? I am sorry but did you miss the part when he was moaning her name. Oh, your just going to forget about it because you love him?

And people call me stupid...

"Aubrey!" I scream at the sudden invasion of my thoughts and everything on my desk falls to the floor. I look up into the oh so familiar green eyes of Demetrius.

"Cheese and sprinkles Demetrius, why are you yelling!?" I slip out of my desk and pick up the paper that had floated to the ground.

"I have been calling you name for like three minutes and waiting outside for five." He says.

"Sorry, your royal highness I didn't mean to keep you a waiting." I say in a high pitched posh country accent. Demetrius rolls his eyes and starts helping me picking up the papers.

Once we are finished Demetrius presses his hand into the curve my back and pushes me to the car.

"Why the rush?" I ask as he starts the car.

"We are having a graduation party for all of the seniors and as Alpha I am the guest speaker."

"Sounds like a blast have fun with that!" I say as we pull up to my house. I hope out of the car and walk straight up to my house without looking back at him.

"Aubrey, you are going to be at the party!" Demetrius yells from his car. I roll my eyes and push my door open.

The second I step into my house I run into something or more like someone. My mom is standing right in front of the door holding a black dress bag. She gives me a devilish smile and holds her hand out to me.

"I HATE MY LIFE!"I scream as I am being whisked away down to my parents room.


2 terrible hours later and I am standing in front of the body mirror that sat to the side of the front door. I have been running my fingers through my hair for the longest time. It was getting to the point that mom threatened to chop them off. I told her that was child abuse and she said that it wasn't if you could heal.

Then I spent the last 30 minutes wondering if a wolf could heal from getting there fingers cut off. My dress for tonight was chosen by father and boy was I surprised when I saw it. It is strapless! I never thought I would see the day when my father picked out a strapless dress for me. But I do dare say I look rather dashing in it. I winked to myself in the mirror and let out a sigh. This would be the point when Joey makes some crude remark in then we would laugh about it.

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