Chapter 15: Moving Day (and night)

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A/N Can I just take a second say y'll comments make my day! you are all freaking funny! I die from laughter reading y'll comments! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH *Gives Hug* TO THE STORY!

-Aubrey's P.O.V-

"JOEY!" I shout shoving all my weight on this stupid red suitcase. "HELP ME ZIP UP THIS SUITCASE!" I wrestle with the suitcase some more.

"You look really stupid." Joey laughs from behind me. I sit up off the suit case on the floor.

"Are you just going to stand there or help me?" I ask with a huff.

"Nope, have fun with that." Joey says turning around and walking away.


I let out another huff in look around my nearly spotless room. Most of my stuff was in boxes. All of clothes are in suitcases, which I have been battling with since yesterday and most of today. It has been two days since the graduation and I haven't seen Demetrius at all. Do I dare say I miss him? Yes, yes I do.

He has been texting everyday with sweet messages. He has been busy with leave request and helping people move. The pack has been a little bit hectic the lass couple days. And to think I will be helping run this pack is scary.

"You seem to be making progress."

"HOLY BANANA CHESSE BALLS!" I scream clutching onto my heart. "Dad, you scared me." I say resting my back against the suitcase. He smiles and looks at my bed. It has four suitcases with clothes overflowing out of them.

"Do you need some help?" He ask.

"I could use some please." I turn around as he crouches down to my position on the floor. The silence was thick and awkward as he zips up the suitcase.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He says finally. The talk I have been avoiding since forever.

"I didn't want to disappoint you. You were so proud of me and so happy. I didn't want to ruin it." My father sighs and pulls me into a hug.

"Aubrey, you are my daughter and your happiness well always come before mine. Don't you ever forget it, I love you and no matter what I aways will."

"I love you too dad." I say with a smile.

"So, how about now? I saw you dancing with him." I continue to smile at the memory.

"Yeah, I guess I am happy."

"Good, now let's finish up these suitcases." He helps me up off the ground and together we finish up.

"That didn't take much." I shake my head.

"Leo, come help me with these suitcases!" My mom calls from down stairs.

"I better go her majesty awaits. You alright up here?" My dads says.

"Yea, I am fine. I will start loading these into the SUV. Go on and help mom." He smiles and walks out the door

"Leo!" My mom calls again.

"I'm coming women!" My dads playfully winks at me before heading down the stairs.

I pick up two large and heavy boxes and balance them in arms. Walking out of the room I see Joey walking into the bathroom.

"Joey. Help. Please." I say through short breaths.

"Nope, you're a wolf handle it!" He shuts the bathroom door on my face.

"YOU LAZY SON OF FEMALE DOG!" I scream at the closed door. I hear Joey laugh from the other side of the door.

"Those are some very choice words." I spin around nearly losing my balance.

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