Chapter 4 - Final Trial

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*Kyoko's pov*

The last time we entered the trial room there was only the four of us, me, Byakuya, Makoto and Asahina. We had lost Sakura to her depression and Celeste, well no one is sure what happened all we know is that she was gone and her room was covered in blood. And I know what your thinking, wait what happened to Toko? Well I'll get on to that in a moment.
I had had enough of this and we were going to leave today no matter what I had promised myself this freedom.

I still hadn't told Makoto about my lack of memories associated with the outside world. We weren't really too much closer to discovering the Mastermind but I was sure with all of our heads together we could solve it. Asahina hadn't been doing too good since Sakura went, I was getting concerned about her mental state. However Makoto had been talking to her and involving her in alot of his day to day activities, just to keep her mind off things. He was a sweet person... Wait did I just say that? You know what screw it I liked him and we had become fairly good friends.

As I made my way down to the trial room I heard a loud scream coming from the Gym. I froze and my heart sank who could it be? It sounded like a girl. Quickly I made my down to the Gym and throw open the doors. There in the middle of the room Hina was crouched on the floor with Toko stood over her. Hina had seen me and then Toko turned to face me, she had her long sharp scissors in hand and she was pointing them at me. Ofcause it would be Sho knowing my luck.
"How nice of you to join us Kyoko dear I was just about to show Asahina what happens when you criticise someone behind their back"

A large evil smile was spread broadly across her face and on the floor Hina was huddled up clutching her arm. This must have been about Byakuya.

"I have every right to voice my opinion!" Hina shouted at Sho.

Swiftly Sho turned back to her before lunging at her and in a split second there came a snap and another scream. Sho then stood back and Hina now had her hand pressed on her collar bone.

"Nobody slags off my beloved Byakuya, next time I cut those boobs straight from your chest and that will only be the beginning" she snarled down at Hina.

I saw Sho's hand move to stab Hina again and I knew I would have to get involved to stop this. I really didn't want to though.

"Sho!" I shouted at her.

She cracked her neck back to look at me and frowned.

"Leave her alone now, you are just giving Monokuma what he wants" I told her.

"How would you know, Lavender locks?" She growled back at me, as she turned to face me.

"Why else are we here" I replied.

Behind her I could see Hina slowly moving across the floor to get away from her.
Toko had never properly lost it this bad when changing into Sho for a long time and it was scary. All the other time's I had people to help me control her but now it was just me and her.

"That's bull shit!" she shouted back at me, she then turned back to Hina who had managed to get a little way away from her. "Where do you think your going?" She snarled at her.

"We don't have time for this Sho, just leave her alone!" I shouted at her.

Her eyes fixed on me and she seemed to bear her teeth at me like a wild animal before running at me. I moved and she went to stab me but missed.

Angrily she turned back to face me "Two for the price of one well today's my lucky day, a shame neither of you are hot guys for me to have a little fun with" she smiled as she came back at me with her scissors pointing at me.

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