Chapter 31 - Doctor's Visit

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*Kyoko's pov*

A few days after Dad had come round I had to go to the doctors with Lydia for some injections. She hated me for the next few hours as they hurt her. To be honest it really didn't upset me to much that she refused to talk to me, it gave me some quiet time. The doctor also did some check ups on me just to make sure I was healthy, that was when we discovered that I was expecting my second child...

I hadn't had any of the symptoms that I had had with Lydia and so I was completely shocked. Apparently I was probably a few months into the pregnancy, but still I hadn't really seen a difference in my body. But as soon as she mentioned it I actully realised that I looked slightly blotted and bigger.

I got home and Lydia went off to not talk to me, everyone else was at work except from Toko and Avery. Avery was having nap so Toko was downstairs typing up her new novel to get it published soon.

"Where's Lydia?" She asked me when I came in and sat down alone.

"She won't talk to me" I told her.

"S-so not really a positive trip then?" She said.

"Not really, but at least she is safe from that disease" I sighed.

"Yeah, w-what about your check up? How was that?" She asked.

I was quiet for a bit until I finally decided to tell her "It was fine, I'm absolutely healthy but we found out that I am expecting my second child"
Toko looked shocked so I carried on, "It wasn't even like we were trying for a second child or anything, and she thinks I'm already a few months in to the pregnancy"

"B-but you h-haven't had any symptoms" she stuttered.

"Well you didn't have any with Avery, but I didn't even realise I was fatter" I told her.

"N-neither did I" she replied.

I sighed and looked at her "Toko I'm really worried about this one"

"Why?" She asked.

"It's crazy enough around here already and I don't know if we can cope with having three kids to look after, also I don't want to go through childbirth again" I told her truthfully.

"W-we will be fine, and you've done it once already" she smiled at me.

"What about Makoto? How should I tell him and Byakuya and Asahina" I asked as I could feel myself getting all worked up about this.

"J-just like you did last time, just tell them over dinner" she said.

"I didn't want this to happen, what I wanted to do was allow Asahina to find someone" I told her.

"You don't have to keep it, you know that" Toko told me.

"I know but... Makoto he wouldn't forgive me if I killed this baby" I whimpered.

"H-he would forgive you, you know that" she supported me.

I had no idea what was happening my emotions were everywhere and I couldn't control how I was feeling.

"Y-you know I will stay by your side with what ever you choose, I-I know you didn't plan it from the way you're acting" she told me.

"We used everything to prevent it from happening..." I sighed, finally I gave into my emotions and broke down.

I wriggled up to Toko and put my head on her as I cried out all of my worried and scared emotions. She seemed shocked but finally she wrapped her arms around me and held my close to her.

*Makoto's pov*

I finished work earlier than Byakuya and Asahina so I left to go home as I knew Lydia and Kyoko had to go to the doctors. I wanted to know how that went so I couldn't wait for the other two to finish. They could walk home together.

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