Chapter 35 - Seperated

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*Makoto's pov*

It's dark here... I don't know where I am or even what happened. I was asleep and then there was an explosion, that's all I remember. I think I am going somewhere, but goodness know where.

Kyoko, Toko, Byakuya, Lydia, Avery, Roma I don't know what has happened to them. I miss them and I'm slightly scared to where I am going.

It sounds like I'm in a back of a truck or some other vehicle. What's going on, why am I always seperated from the people I love?

My hands are tied behind my back and I have a blind fold covering my eyes so I can't see where I am going.

*Kyoko's pov*

I think we must have woken up early as it was only just becoming light outside. I was the first awake and was shortly followed by Toko. During the night she had wrapped her arms around Wolf and was pressed against him. When she did wake up she moved away from the dog and she looked slightly disgusted. I smiled to myself as I knew that deep down she must have liked having Wolf there to protect her.

Everyone else shortly woke up after Roma started to cry for feeding. We ate some of the food I had brought but we were now all on rations until we found more food. I broke off some of my food to feed to Wolf as no one seemed to bring him any food.

Finally we were now ready to leave this place, today we should be able to get out of this city. Out on the streets people lay dead on the paths and roads. Most of them had fatal stab wounds to the neck or stomach, inflicted from the Monokuma's. There was no way to protect the children from this sight, better they just got used to seeing things like this, it was horrible to say that but no one knew this could become the normal.

Toko also managed to keep it together and not collapse otherwise Sho would come out. Asahina was holding Wolf on his lead, they were infront so Wolf could warn us if any danger was lerking around the corner.

A few hours pasted and finally I could see the end of the city, we were going to make it. However when we got closer to the exit Wolf stopped and lowered his head and began to growl. He hadn't done anything like that yet, which ment he sensed danger here. I looked at Toko and she was holding Lydia's hand and her eyes were scanning the area. Asahina had dropped Wolf's lead and had Avery in her arms, Roma had gone to Emir as my arms were tired. Wolf moved infront of all of us and stood in a stance to protect us and try to scare off any evil.

"Can you see anything?" Hina asked us.

"Not yet..." Emir replied.

"There!" Toko shouted as she pointed at a tall building. On the roof there were tones of Monokuma's looking down at us.

"Everyone run, we need to get out of here!" I shouted.

Together we all began to run towards the end of the town. Behind us I could hear all of the Monokuma's running after after us. Everything was looking so promising until out of nowhere in one of the side streets a stray Monokuma jumped out at Toko. Toko let go of Lydia as she was pinned down under the bear. I stopped and ran back to help her she wouldn't survive if she was stabbed, everyone else stopped.

"Just go! Get to safety!" I shouted at them.

"Mum!" Lydia cried.

"Go with Auntie Asahina, I will find you!" I shouted as I saw Hina grab her hand and pull her away.

Wolf saw them running to safety but came back to help us two, he flew at the Monokuma grabbing it in his teeth and knocking it off Toko. Once she was free we had to find somewhere to hide until this all blew over. Wolf disappeared and the Monokuma exploded.

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