First Day and New people:Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi again. I just wanted to say that in this story I may make this go in regards to the anime or I may make up my own scenarios. I'm not sure yet, but this chapter is in your POV. Please enjoy 😊.

*(Y/n) POV (duh)*

As I was walking with my new friends I had made, I couldn't help but think to why, I think his name was Tatsuya wasn't saying much. Other than that I had pretty good impressions of the others like Erica, she seems pretty rambunctious and energetic, but mess with her you'll have hell to pay. Leonhard seemed sweet and nice, but every time I tried to talk to him he would blush and stutter, which I thought was cute. Lastly, there was Miyuki. I liked her, but felt like if I crossed the wrong line I would have a lot of trouble to deal with. I didn't know a lot about Tatsuya, other than him being siblings with Miyuki.

We eventually got to the homeroom and as soon I stepped in a hoard of people came over to the entrance and I was bombarded with thousands of questions. Next thing I knew, Tatsuya stood in front me and the students looked up at him with a little fear in their eyes. I do have to admit he did look intimidating, especially how tall he is. They all went back to their seats and started on their work. Tatsuya turned around and looked down at my small figure. He had no emotions in his blue eyes, which confused me slightly.

"Are you alright?" He asked nonchalantly. His voice was deep, but not in a scary way.

"Yes, thank you." I answered honestly. He turned back around and went to his seat. All of a sudden, an arm was wrapped around my shoulder, which caused me to jump a little. I looked next to me and saw the fiery red head, Erica next to me.

"He may seem intimidating, but once you warm up to him he's very nice." Erica said with a smile. I smiled back at her and nodded. Then a girl with purple rimmed glasses and black hair that reached her shoulders walked up to us.

"Hi guys, who is this?" She asked nicely.
"Mizuki, this is (y/n)! The new second year!" Erica said happily. I bowed towards this girl named Mizuki.
" It's nice to meet you Mizuki." She looked at me surprised, but then her expression softened. "It's nice to meet you too, (y/n)." She said. Then a bell went off, ending our conversation. Erica removed her arm from my shoulder.

"Well it looks like we'll continue this later." Erica said." Lets go sit down. There should be a seat next to Mizuki that should be open, so if you want to sit there you can (y/n)." Erica said leaving for her seat. Everybody else went to their seats, and I headed towards the seat Erica was talking about. As I sat down, couldn't help but feel a pair or eyes on me, but chose to ignore it. The teacher, I assumed walked in and started talking to all of the students, until they looked in my direction.

"I hope you all know we have a new student with us here. I expect you to treat her respect." The teacher stated kindly. I could feel my face heat up as everyone looked my way. I'm never really fond of big announcements towards me, but the teacher meant no harm. The teacher begin to teach the class.

~Time skip brought to you by mou~

As class ended, I headed towards the doorway when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Tatsuya looking down at me with his lifeless looking eyes.

"Do you need help to your next class?" He asked. I simply smiled.
"Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll be able to find it on my own." I stated truthfully. He nodded and headed out of the classroom. I sighed, because for some reason I feel my heart beat quicken when I'm around him. I walked out of the classroom into the hallway while I was looking over my schedule.

'Ok my next class should down the hall and on the left.' I thought to myself. Since I wasn't paying attention I ran into another student, but fell on top of them. As I scrambled back up I looked down and saw a girl that looked like she was in the first year.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that let me help you up." I extended my hand towards her. She looked up towards me with her green eyes, and her orange hair bouncing a little. She grasped my hand and I pulled her up.

"It's fine I wasn't paying that much attention. Have I seen around before?" She asked me.
"No, I don't think so. I'm (y/n), the new second year." I said with a smile. Her eyes widened and she had the biggest smile.
"So your the new second year!?" She almost shouted."I didn't expect you to be so pretty! Oh, sorry I shouldn't say things like that. I'm Azusa Nakajo!" She said with a smile. I was so flustered by what was happening I just nodded. "So where are you heading off to?" Azusa asked.

"Oh, I'm looking for this class." I showed her my schedule, for her to hopefully point me into the right direction. I really regret not taking up Tatsuya's offer, oh well.
"Hmm, it should be down this hallway and to the left." She stated.
'So I did have the right way' I thought. "Well thank you Azusa." I said. She just smiled and nodded." I have to go now but it was really nice to meet you
(Y/n)!" She said walking past me and waving. I waved back to her as she turned the corner. I turned around a headed in the right direction. This was going to be a long day.

~Another time skip brought to you by one hell of a butler~

The school day had just ended and I was looking for either my new friends or the entrance. 'I just started here and have loads of homework already' I thought. While I was walking down the hall I saw two people coming from the other direction. One was a woman with short black hair and brown eyes and next to her was a intimidating man that was pretty built and had short brown hair and black eyes. It looked like they were having a conversation on something until they noticed me walking towards them.

" Do you need any help?" The women asked as her and her colleague stopped next to me.
" I just need some help to find the entrance if you don't mind." I said embarrassingly.
"No, not at all. Head down this hallway one turn to the right go down that hallway and make a left and it should be right there. Do you want us to walk you there?" She asked kindly.

"Oh, no I don't want to intrude." I said as I waved my hands. Instead, she just chuckled." Don't you worry about intruding, we don't mind at all." She stated with a smile. Her colleague just nodded. "O-okay then." I said. We started heading in the direction she was talking about. There was an awkward silence between the three of us, until the woman spoke.

" Well, my name is Mari Watanabe and my friend here is Katsuto Jumonji." Mari stated.
I smiled towards them." My name is (Y/n). It's nice to meet the two of you. Mari smiled and chuckled, which confused me."So you're (y/n). Mayumi said something about a new second year." Mari said. "Excuse me for asking, but who is Mayumi?" I asked."Oh, she's the president of the student council. Me and Katsuto are on the student council as well." Mari said with a smile. We reached the front of the building where we could see the sun setting. "Well thank you Mari for showing me to the entrance." I said with a bow. She and Katsuto both bowed towards me and said," The pleasure was ours we got to meet the new second year." She stated with a smile on her face. I smiled back towards her and started heading down the steps while I was waving at them. I heard a person scream my name in front of me, and I looked towards the source of the voice. I saw the new friends I had made that day.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Erica shouted loudly. The rest of them looked the way she was shouting. I walked to them with a smile on my face. "So, how was your first day here?" Miyuki asked. "It was interesting. I met a lot of new people today." I said happily. "That's good to hear." Mizuki said. "How about we start heading towards the cafe?" Erica stated. "Cafe?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "It's the place where we usually hang out after school do you want to come with us?" Erica asked. I looked at her with my eyes widened, but softened my expression and nodded. Erica cheered and grabbed my arm and started to run. The others followed closely behind. I'm so glad that I met all of them.

A/N: Hello, this chapter had more of a relationship with the student council members than Tatsuya, and sorry about that but next chapter may have a cutesy scene with him. But I hope you enjoyed. See ya.

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