Back to school: Chapter 7

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*(Y/n) POV*

"(Y/n), we have to get up." I groaned and snuggled my head closer to Tatsuya's chest. "Today's a school day, we have to get up." He repeated. I sighed in defeat and got out of bed. He was still lying there, smirking at me. I crossed my arms at him.

"Why are you still in my bed?" I asked annoyed. He got up and walked towards me. I felt my confidence wavering, but I was still in a mood because my beauty rest was ruined. He was a good two feet taller than me, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer to him. He was smiling while I pouted. I moved away, and started pushing him out the door. "If I have to get up, you have to leave me alone until we are both ready." I said while I pushed out the door. I shut the door before he could get a word in and ran a hand through my messy hair.

I got a uniform when we went shopping yesterday, but Miyuki made me buy a girls uniform, so I'm going to have to wear a dress for the rest of the year. I groaned in annoyance, but the dress didn't look as bad as I thought. It was a white dress that reached just below the knee with a piece of fabric going around it and it reached mid calf. I had a little tie in the front with a turquoise jacket on. The fabric around the back was a yellow and orange. After I finished changing I walked downstairs and saw Miyuki and Tatsuya waiting at the door. We started walking to school.

"Did you sleep well? Sorry we couldn't watch a movie last night." Miyuki apologized. I remembered what Tatsuya did and blushed slightly, but Miyuki didn't notice.

"I slept fine, and it's fine. Yesterday was pretty tiring." I said jokingly. She smiled kindly and walked ahead of us. She saw Erika, Mizuki, and Leo walking as well and caught up with them. I smiled, but felt a hand slide into mine. I looked down and saw Tatsuya had grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together.

"Was I not a comfy pillow?" Tatsuya asked teasingly. I slapped his chest gently, and he started smiling. It soon faded into his normal stoic face when we got closer to the rest of them. Erika ran up to me and gave a crushing hug, which hurt like hell because of my injuries. I kinda groaned a little and I saw Tatsuya tap her shoulder. She let go and got embarrassed.

"It so great to see you again. We all missed seeing you at school, and Leo wouldn't stop asking when you were going to come back. It got kinda annoying if you ask me." Erika explained. Leo blushed and looked away, but I just smiled. I felt someone grab my hand again, but it was in a tight grip. I winced a little, and saw Tatsuya 'holding' my hand again. Everyone's eyes widened at what Tatsuya did. I was suddenly being pulled away from the group.

"I guess I'll see you guys there?" I said questioningly. Everyone gave a confused look back.

~Time skip~

"What happened to you?"

"Do you have scars?"

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you."

Is what I heard almost the entire day. I sighed in relief. I looked up and saw a few people talking in the hall. As soon as I was in front of them, they gave me a dirty look, like I just took something from them. I walked away as fast as I could to avoid conflict. I just got to my last class for the day and we were test how much power we put in milliseconds. All the gadgets confused me, but I was doing a good job so far. I went to the left of the room and waited in that line. I suddenly saw Tatsuya walk in and go to the left too. I don't think he noticed me because he hasn't even looked at me. I sighed slightly, and my line moved up. After two more people, I was up. I took a deep breath and placed my hand on the platform. The rings around my arm were a blue, but I felt the energy flowing through me. I looked forward with focus, and raised my arm up pointing my hand directly in front of me.

I gave all that I had, and the number rose quickly. When it stopped, I had gotten 796 milliseconds. The line next to me gasped, which scared me slightly. They were all looking at me with awe, even Tatsuya. I took a deep breath, and started heading out, until Tatsuya grabbed my arm.

"Stay and watch mine. Besides, me and Miyuki have to stay later for student council." He said nonchalant. I nodded and stood next to him and waited for his turn. We were mainly silent towards each other, except some people came up to me and asked how I got that much power. I saw Tatsuya tense every time a guy would talk to me. I smiled at him reassuringly, but he still watched over me. It was his turn and he looked as focused as I did. When he finished, it said that he got 940 milliseconds. I watched him in awe. He looked at me, and smirked. I shook my head and smiled kindly at him.

"Good job Tatsuya. And on the first try." I said reassuringly. He smiled, but it faded into his stoic expression again. We bothe walked out of our class and wandered the halls a little. He grabbed my hand again, but I paid no attention to it this time. I saw a girl that looked very familiar on the other side of the hall. She looked at us and her eyes lit up. She ran up to us and bowed.

"Hello Tatsuya. Oh, Hello (Y/n)." The girl said energetically. I couldn't remember who she was, so I hugged Tatsuya's arm and looked at her like a curious child.

"Hello Azusa." Tatsuya said kindly. I now remembered her as the girl I ran into the first day of school. I came out a little and smiled at her. She smiled back, but looked confused about something.

"Are you two dating?" Azusa blurted out. I blushed and noticed I was still hugging Tatsuya's arm. Before I could let go, Tatsuya moved his arm around my waist and nodded. I blushed a deep shade of crimson, but Azusa gasped happily. She ran away squealing. After she left I pushed Tatsuya away and glared at him.

"Have you been telling people that all day?" I asked him. He smirked, which answered my question. I sighed in frustration, but I was surrounded by a warmth. My forehead rested on their chest while I looked down. They put their head on top of mine and hugged me gently. I returned the hug, and felt like I was going to fall asleep.

"You didn't let me kiss you this morning you know?" I heard Tatsuya say. I looked up at a smiling Tatsuya. I couldn't help but chuckle. We stayed in a comfortable silence for awhile. After we separated, Tatsuya lifted my chin up and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. I returned it, but we separated and started walking down the hallway again hand in hand.

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