Threat: Chapter 8

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It was the end of the day and I was walking with the crazy trio. Erica was complaining about detention, Leo listened, and Mizuki scolded her. Every conversation they have, are always interesting. We were heading to the cafe to catch up a little. Tatsuya and Miyuki had to stay late because of student council. We were all walking by this one building that had a few lights going through the windows. "What's this place?" I asked them. They all looked at the building until Erica finally answered my question.

"It's where some people train physically. It's called the Kendo club." She explained. I nodded and look back towards the building. We kept walking to the cafe again, but I could help but be curious about the Kendo club. We all arrived to the cafe and sat at the table from last time near the window. The three of them talked and I mainly listened. The waitress eventually came over and took our order.

"And I'll have..." Leo was saying until a hand slammed down in front of me. I jumped closer to Leo who was sitting next to me and I looked at the person wide eyed. They had long brown hair in a ponytail and had blue eyes fuming with annoyance and rage. Her eyes were locked on me and I felt my face heating up in embarrassment.

"You and me need to talk." And with that, she left the table and outside the cafe. I looked at the three of them and they all had a look of bewilderment. Leo looked at me worriedly. I was to focused to know what Erica was saying. Who was she? Why do we need to talk? Does she want to talk right now? I was completely zoned out until Leo shook my shoulder a little.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" He asked with concern in his voice. I slowly nodded my head, unsure if I was or not. I looked down and kept my head down, in fear of the people around us looking at me. We resumed our quality time, but we couldn't shake what had happened.

~Time skip from an Angered Titan Shifter~

We just finished eating, and I guess I completely forgot about the incident, until we walked out and saw the girl leaning on the wall. I felt my heart sink in fear and I tried to walk with the rest of them. "Hey! We're supposed to talk, remember?" She asked with annoyance. I groaned mentally, but nodded my head for them to get a head of me. I walk over to her and stood in front of her. I shrugged my shoulders and looked around, until she slammed me against the brick wall she was leaning on. I groaned in pain because of the scratches, but it looked like she didn't care. She gripped my shoulder with her left hand really tightly it started to hurt. Well that's going to leave a bruise.

"Listen, I'm Sayaka Mibu, and you need to break up with Tatsuya soon. Otherwise you'll have hell to pay." She said very tensely. I put my head down, hoping she would let go of my shoulder. She scoffed and backed up, but not until she kneed me in the stomach. I coughed up and gasped for air before falling on my knees. I heard her footsteps receding while I silently cried to myself. I sat back with my back to the wall crying for a few more minutes. I pushed my self up, but ached all over. I was limping somewhat towards Tatsuya's while gripping my stomach. That was a really hard blow. Maybe she's part of the Kendo club. As I walked into the house I saw Tatsuya heading for the stairs in his normal clothing. He looked up and his eyes widened slightly.

"(Y/n)?" He asked me. He quickly came up to me to look at my face, but I backed away from him. He looked very surprised that I had done that. I walked past him trying not to wince because of my stomach. I got into the bathroom and slid to the bottom of the door. I cried for a few more minutes, thinking why do this have to happen to me of all people. I got my self up and got into the shower.

~Time skip from a free dolphin~

I walked into my room with another tank top and pair of shorts on and collapsed on my bed. I had shut my door before I collapsed, but I heard the door click open. I didn't bother look who it was knowing it was probably Tatsuya. I heard him sigh slightly before flipping me over onto my back, but that had caused me to wince in pain. I saw his eyes widened, probably surprised that I was still awake. I looked up into his worried filled blue eyes. We just stared in each other's eyes for a couple of minutes before he backed away and put a hand out. I put my hand in his, surprisingly soft hand and he pulled me up. We were still holding hands until he started pulling me towards the bed. He stopped next to the bed to face me and put a hand on my cheek. I nuzzled into his warm palm and looked at him

"I'm guessing you want to know what happened?" I said tiredly. He didn't respond, but I could tell in his eyes that he did. I sighed. "I'll tell you if we get up early enough, but I just want to go to sleep." He was hesitant, but he nodded. He moved his hand from my cheek down to my neck where he had left his mark. He smiled to himself and moved his head to it. He kissed it gently, but kept himself there for a few seconds. He moved back and I saw his eyes immediately attach to my shoulder.

"You're telling me what happened, even if I have to force you, I'll..." I shushed him by putting a finger on his lips to make him stop talk because it was making my headache worst. He sighed in annoyance, but sat down on my bed and pulled me towards him. "Tomorrow morning then." He said more quietly before kissing me gently. I kissed back and moved myself so I was straddling him. We were having a gentle and loving kiss, but Tatsuya put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. It got more passionate and heated, and he licked my bottom lip again with his tongue. I decided to open my mouth a little, and his tongue slipped in like a snake, exploring it's new area.

I was starting to get very dizzy from this heated kiss, so I pulled away to get some air, and the two of us were panting with a small string of saliva between us. I just realized this is my second kissing session with Tatsuya. I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought, but I saw Tatsuya's cheeks tinted with a red. I smiled and chuckled a little, and he did the same thing. I moved over to the other side of the bed to lay down on my side. I still felt my cheeks heated and my heartbeat was irregular. Tatsuya pressed his chest to my back and held me closely to him. I winced slightly when he put his hand above my stomach, but I don't think he noticed. I soon felt my eyes get heavy and I shut them letting myself fall into a deep sleep.


A/n: Yay!!! I'm so happy how this came out, but I'll see if I can get more chapters out since you guys enjoy it so much. Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see ya guys in the next chapter.

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