Mistakes: Chapter 15

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A/n: Well, I feel like this song sums up this chapter, partially. I just felt like it went really well with it.

*(Y/n) POV*

As I watched Tatsuya kiss Mayumi, I was overcome by so many emotions. I felt so much power surge through my body I didn't know what to do. I looked down at their feet and saw Tatsuya look over at me. He pulled back and looked at me with regret and worry. "(Y/n)!" I couldn't face him, I just couldn't. I felt tears run down my face and I turned around walking away from them. "(Y/n)!!!" I heard him starting to run after me. He was getting closer since I heard him panting a lot more. A hand grabbed my wrist to try and make me stop.

I snapped my wrist away and looked at him with anger and hurt filled eyes. He looked slightly scared, but I didn't care at that point. I started screaming so loud I saw him and the people around us cover their ears. I was done. I was tired. I couldn't take it. I felt my hair going up and stopped screaming, having my hair fall against me again, but when I opened my eyes I saw him on the ground. I turned around again and started heading to where ever I could go. Just as long as I could think.

*Tatsuya POV*

No......nononono!!!! I can't lose her. I can't!!! I looked in front of me to see her walking away again. I gasped and started panting heavily. Tears started to form in my eyes. I suddenly felt my head to start to pound. I felt hands on my shoulder and chest, making me open my eyes to Mayumi. "Tatsuya, are you okay?" She asked me wincing slightly.

I pushed her away and stood up. I started to run after (Y/n) again, making my head feel worse. I couldn't let her leave, not yet, not ever. My vision started blurring, causing me to trip and fall to the ground.

I looked up wincing slightly to see her walking away still. I started to cry, and tried one last thing. "(Y/n)!! Please! I need you!" I shouted with my voice cracking somewhere in the sentence. She stopped, making me have some hope, until she got lost into the crowd. I frowned and bit my lip trying to slow my crying. I rolled to my side and curled myself into a little ball. What did I do? What DO I do?

*(Y/n) POV*

It's been a few hours since I've left them. I sat against the wall of the shrine I was at. What do I do? Nothing, I guess. I took a deep breath and wiped my dry, but tired eyes. I stood up, and looked at the sky seeing the sky turn to a purple. I heard some faint footsteps and panting making me look at the entrance.

I eventually saw a tired looking Tatsuya, panting heavily as he got to the top. His hands were on his knees, but he looked up at me, and stopped panting out loud and just stared at me. His eyes looked glassy and he stood straight before walking over to me. I glared at him and was tired of holding back.

My feet had a mind of their own and I was running at him, but I threw a punch at him, which he easily avoided. I brought my leg back to round house kick him in the head, but he jumped back. I rapidly started to throw punches at him while I screamed and shouted. I was getting tired and I could tell he was too. He wasn't trying to hit back either, he was actually trying to make me stop, with me feeling him try to grab my wrist.

I started to try and kick him in his side and at his legs. He jumped up and got behind me. I ducked down and tried to trip him, but he jumped back again. I started panting heavily before shouting and running at him again. I threw more punches at him, and I ended up getting him in the jaw a few times before he jumped away from me behind me.

I turned around quickly and got into a fighting stance. "Well, come on then Tatsuya!!! Fight me!!!" I taunted him. He looked at me holding his cheek and with tired looking eyes. I panted and held my stance. He sighed and was gone in a flash. He was in front of me throwing a punch I ducked and tried to throw another punch, but he grabbed my wrist in a tight grip.

I winced and grabbed his hand tried prying it off, but I gave up on that and started pounding my fist on his chest. I was pounding, then I was hitting and crying, and soon I was just crying against his chest. I felt my legs go weak and I fell to the ground. Tatsuya let me slide to the ground, but his hand remained on my wrist. I eventually started to sob loudly, like I was before he got here.

He got onto his knees, looking at the ground, still not letting go of my wrist. I heard him sniffle, and saw some water droplets hit his pants. I stopped sobbing, but felt tears stream down my face still, but I was to focused on Tatsuya crying to care. He had his teeth digging into his bottom lip as tears ran down his face. His grip on my wrist tightened slightly. His head ducked down. "Please...please forgive me. Please..." he trailed off in the end. I sniffed and wiped my eyes, not really stopping my tears.

I frowned at him, before putting my hand on his cheek making him look at me. I tilted my head at him crying even more. I moved my hand and covered my mouth. I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me to his chest. I wrapped my arms around him gripping his shirt tightly. The two of us cried into each others arms, not really sure where our relationship lied.

A/n: I'm sorry if this made you cry, probably not but I was super emotional and was crying a lot the day I wrote this so I just felt like I needed to do this then. I hope you enjoyed and I'll update as soon as I can. See ya!

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