Waking up: Chapter 4

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A/N: this is what Tatsuya thought before you called the first time then will go on from there to you waking up. Please enjoy.

*Tatsuya POV*

I had just gotten out of the shower, so that I could go to bed. I was thinking back to when I saw (y/n) and Leo walking up to us together. I wanted to punch him right in the stomach for even being near her.

I held back because she would've hated me. That explained a lot to why she didn't respond to my text this morning. I changed in to my sleep clothes, and lied on my bed looking at the ceiling. I was shutting my eyes until my phone started ringing. Without looking at the contact, I answered.

"Hello?" I asked. That's when I heard her soft voice.
"Hi Tatsuya, I'm sorry for not replying to you this morning. I meant to, but..." I interrupted her here because I didn't really want to know why she didn't, all I cared about was that she got it.
"It's fine. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that I hung up. I felt slightly guilty for hanging up so soon, but I needed to think. I shut my eyes and the next thing I knew I was asleep.

~Mini Time skip brought to you by a Class-S cyborg~

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard my phone ringing again. I looked at the time and saw it was about 1 in the morning. I went to see who was calling and it was a new number. But I picked up anyway.

"Hello?" I asked nonchalantly.
"Tatsuya? You need to call the fire department. There's a fire at my house and I can't reach them. Please!" I heard her scream into the phone with a hoarse voice. My heart sank, knowing that she was in a burning building. I sat up and started getting shoes on.
"Are you alright? What happened?" I asked with worry and concern in my voice. I was so nervous that she was going to die. That the last day I saw her, was the day I didn't even talk to her.

"Tatsuya,*coughs* please just call the fire department! *coughs*" she screamed into the phone. I was still talking to her when the phone hung up. 'Crap. I need to get there now!' I yelled at myself.

"Miyuki! Call the fire department and
send them to (y/n)'s house!" I shouted to my sister. I didn't wait for a response, I bolted out of our front door as fast as I could. 'This is my fault. She's going to leave me.' Is what was running through my head as I got closer to her house. I saw the smoke in the air and started sprinting. I heard sirens knowing my sister had called the fire department. I was somewhat relieved, but couldn't shake the feeling that (y/n) was still in the house.

When I got in front her house, her house was being engulfed by the flames and I saw the house collapsing. My heart started to sink deeper, and tears started to prick my eyes. I look towards the left and see a shadow like figure limping towards the front of the house. I looked closer and saw their (h/l) (h/c) hair from the fire's light. I smiled and my heart swelled, knowing that she got out. She started stumbling side to side, so I started running towards her, knowing she was about to collapse.

I had caught her before she hit the ground, but her clothes were almost drenched in blood. My eyes started to fill with tears again, just by looking at the state she was in. I lightly brushed some of her hair out of her face, so I could see her face. I hugged her body gently, in case the glass had gotten deeper into her skin. The lights were soon in front of her house and the paramedics took her and me to the hospital. She wasn't breathing well, and there wasn't any sign of her moving any time soon.'What happened to you?'

I asked myself. As soon as we got her there, I was told to wait in the lobby. I was going to retaliate, but I wouldn't be able to see her longer. So I waited in the lobby patiently. I saw Erica, Leo, Mizuki, and Miyuki run into the lobby.

"What happened!?" Erica had asked.
"There was a fire." Miyuki answered for me.
"But what caused it!?" Erica asked. She sounded very upset about the situation. I was too, but I just wanted to see
(Y/n)'s eyes again, her smile, hear her laugh. Knowing that I could never see those again hurt me so much. We all waited for the doctor or nurse to tell us that we could see her.

"You may see her now. She is not awake and may not hear you, but she will wake up sometime tomorrow." A doctor had told us.

We all walked in and saw (y/n) in a hospital gown and slight bruises on her cheeks. I let the others in first since I was going to stay here until she woke up.

"What happened to you?" I heard Mizuki ask. I was so mad, but ashamed at the same time. Leo reached towards (y/n)'s face to move a strand of hair from her face. I didn't feel anything towards him at the time because I was too tired to care. When the three of them left, Miyuki wanted to talk to me.

"Are you ready to go home?" She asked solemnly.
"I'll be home after she wakes up, don't worry I'll be home later, if not tomorrow." I said looking at her. She looked at me with a sad smile and nodded. After she shut the door, I grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to (y/n) so that I could see her. As I sat down and looked at her, I felt tears coming out of my eyes. I covered my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut,letting my tears flow, thinking I'll never see her again. I slowed down my crying, and grabbed her soft, but cold hand. I looked at her longingly and played with her ring finger. I pulled the chair closer to the bed, so that I could rest my head near her. I laid my head down where her hips were and shut my eyes, hoping that I see hers when she wakes up.

~Time skip from the blue king~

*Y/n POV*

I felt something on my hand, I carefully opened my eyes, to only be looking at the ceiling. I tried sitting up, but winced at the pain."So that really did happen?" I asked myself quietly. I looked to my right, just to see a sleeping Tatsuya.

I gasped slightly because I was so confused to what happened. He was loosely holding onto my hand, with his head nuzzled near my hip. It was such a cute sight, that I couldn't help but smile. The light from the room illuminated his hair, where it looked soft and shiny. I tried to lift my left hand, but winced in pain forgetting the burn was there.

I tried to gently remove my hand from his grasp, until I heard him grunt and grab my hand a little tighter. He made a face while he was sleeping, like I was disrupting or something. I giggled at the thought. I saw him gently open his to be looking forward, then he turned his head up towards my face, and I saw his eyes widen.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I said in a hoarse voice and with a smile.
"Did disrupt...uh." I said before he jolted up and hugged me gently, with his head rested on the crook of my neck, where I could feel his slow breaths tickle down my neck.

I used the hand he let go and started rubbing his back gently in circular motions. He relaxed slightly, and sat back down but kept his arms around my waist, while he rested his head on my lap. I started petting and playing with his hair as I looked out the window.

"How are you feeling?" Tatsuya had asked. I looked down at him again.
"I've had better days." I said cheerfully. On the inside, I was terrified, hurt, and confused all at the same time. He sat up properly and looked into my eyes. He grabbed my hand and looked down at them.

"I thought I lost you." He said quietly. I was shocked to hear him say that. I would have never guessed that he worried about me. Then the door was opened, and the doctor I presumed, walked in.

"Ah, good morning miss (y/l). How are you feeling?" He asked with a gentle smile.
"I've been better." I said with a smile.
"Well that's good. Anyway, about the damage, your house is completely in ashes. Were there any other family members in the house?" He looked at seriously.

"No sir. I was just me." Tatsuya's grip on my hand tightened, after hearing those words.
"That's a relief. But you will need to find a new place to live, and I don't think you have any family in the area?" I shook my head. He nodded.
"I'll let you stay somewhere by yourself, but it needs to be where people can watch you 24/7." He said.
"She can stay with me and my sister." Tatsuya said next to me. I looked at him with widened eyes.
"What are you doing?!" I asked shocked.
"Well that settles it. You'll live with him and his sister until we can contact your parents."

A/N: hello, hope you enjoyed. Next one will be you moving into tatsuya's house and a nightmare. See ya .

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