Walking Home: Chapter 2

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A/N: heya! In this chapter you guys talk in the cafe and you walk home with someone, but is there trouble in the near future. Maybe. Anyway enjoy this chapter 😊.

*(Y/n) POV*

After Erica stopped running, we were all walking towards the cafe she was talking about side by side. I was between Leonhard and Tatsuya while Miyuki was next to Tatsuya with Erica next to Leonhard. Mizuki was next to Erica. Erica was talking about something, but I was to busy looking at the sunset to pay attention.

"I ran into that jerk from this morning again, and I asked if he bumped into me on purpose, but instead of answering, he ran away!" Erica stated angrily.

"Maybe he was scared of what you would do. I mean, you do get mad easily." Mizuki said. Erica contemplated for a minute." I guess your right. But I'm going to ask that asshole again tomorrow!" Erica stated proudly. I was paying attention slightly, but like I said I was to busy looking at the sunset. Tatsuya saw me staring at something and looked in the direction I was looking at.

"I wonder what I should get this time? Hey, (y/n) what should I get when we get there?" Erica questioned. I jumped a little,but looked in her direction.

"I'm not sure. Like I said I've never been here before." I stated honestly.
"Did I scare you?" She asked with concern in her voice. "A little." I said as I blushed. "Sorry, but what were you looking at?" Erica asked curiously. "I was looking at the sunset. There's a wonderful view." I said looking towards the sunset again. "What's so intrest... hey, there's the cafe!" She stated while pointing ahead. I looked ahead and saw a sign with a little cup of coffee on it. 'Cute' I thought. Erica started to run again, but this time Mizuki and Miyuki ran after her. It was me, Leonhard, Tatsuya walking towards the cafe.
"So, Leonhard what do you like at the cafe?" I asked curiously. His eyes widened and I saw a blush on his cheeks.
"I-I usually get t-the taiyaki." He said. "And you don't have to call me Leonhard all the time, you can call me Leo." He said with a shy smile. I returned the smile. "Ok then, Leo." I giggled. He once again smiled at me. "How about you Tatsuya? What do you usually get?" I asked.
"I usually get the coffee jelly." He stated nonchalantly. I looked at his hands and saw them balled up into fists. "Well, I'll have to try it." I said smiling. He looked at me for a second then looked forward again, then nodded.

We reached the front of the cafe and walked in. Leo held the door open for me and Tatsuya. I nodded towards him as a thank you. The three of us saw the girls already ordering at the table they were sitting at.

"And I'll have the...uh, Hey guys!" Erica shouted from across the cafe. Everyone looked towards where we were and I could feel my face heat up from embarrassment. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and they were slightly pushing me towards them. I looked up and saw Tatsuya looking forward as he pushed me gently towards the table the girls were sitting at.

"Could you please not do that Erica, you know how I get embarrassed easily." Leo stated with annoyance in his voice. "I know, that's why I did it." Erica said laughing." The look on your face!" She continued.

"Do you think (y/n) enjoyed the attention?" I heard Tatsuya say without emotion. His hands were still on my shoulders while they talked. Erica ceased all laughing and looked at me with worry and embarrassment."Sorry, I wasn't thinking about how (y/n) would feel about it, heh." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"It's fine. I just don't like being pointed out to a large group of people." I said with a red face. Erica sighed. "Well that's a relief, anyway we were just about to order. How about you guys sit down?" I nodded and started heading towards where Miyuki was sitting. Leo sat with Erica and Mizuki, while Tatsuya sat next to me. The waitress came over to where we were sitting." All right, so what can I get you kids today?" She asked kindly.

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