Memories: Chapter 11

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A/n: 3 words.....School has started.

That is all.

*Tatsuya POV*

I sat in a chair near the hospital bed, as (Y/n) hugged a pillow and stared at me curiously. We were sitting in silence while we waited for the doctor to come back with the drug test results. I tapped my hand on the chair and tried to look everywhere, but at her. When I did looked at her, she looked like a confused child. "Do I know you?" She asked quietly. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Yes you do. It's me, Tatsuya." I told her. Now it was her time to tilt her head.

"But you're not Tatsuya. Here." She went for her pocket, but started looking around. "That's right, I don't have it with me. Well anyway, Tatsuya has black hair and blue eyes, you have brown hair and green eyes." She told me. I shook my head and looked at myself again.

"Is that what you see?" I asked. She nodded and scooted a little closer.

"You do remind me of someone though." She said to me.

*(Y/n) POV*

I was at school and started heading home. I was 13 years old, and lived quite the distance away. Suddenly a car drove up next to me. "Hey, get in. I'll give you a ride." A man yelled to me from inside the car. I stayed silent and kept walking. "I'm not going to do anything. It's pretty dangerous at night." He kept trying to get me in the car. He sighed and stopped driving and got out, locking the car and catching up to me. I still stayed silent. He put his hands into his pockets and walked next to me. "I can understand why you wouldn't get in, but the least I could do is walk you home." He looked at me. I kept looking forward, but he kept walking beside me all the way home.

(DO NOT TAKE RIDES FROM STRANGERS!!! Just would like to point that out.)

~Flashback end~

I looked at this man and it was the same person. "Why are you stalking me still?" I asked confused. I remembered him now. He was my neighbor before I moved. They ended up finding pictures of me all over his house, but he was in jail for four days. After he was released he tried to kidnap me, proclaiming nobody was going to steal his Nini. He was then sent to prison for 67 years. He still scares me after the attempt. I used to lie awake at night because I thought they set him free.

"Still stalking? What are you talking about?" He looked even more confused, but more worried, concerned, and hurt. I felt somewhat safe around him for some reason. I put my feet over the bed and went closer to him. He stood up and looked down at me. The doctor suddenly walked in and looked at us.

"Did something happen?" He asked placing a clipboard down.

"She remembered something and sees an entirely different person than you do." The man explained. I sniffed the air and it smelt like Tatsuya. I looked at the man closer and tilted my head. He looked at me cautiously.

"Well, the drug test came back positive. She was drugged with something. We still don't know what it is, but how to treat it." The doctor said to us. We both said how at the same time, scaring the doctor a little bit. "Well, seeing you are underage, I suggest you do this at home. You need to be heavily intoxicated and take a cold shower or bath after." He explained. I was even more confused than before.

"Why do I have to be drunk?" I asked him.

~Timeskip from a kindhearted orca~

I was in the car with this stranger and it was really silent. I finally had my phone back, but any picture I looked at that Tatsuya was in, I'd get a splitting headache. I looked out the window and saw that we were heading to Tatsuya's house. Once we were there, we both walked in and stood near eachother in silence. But I needed to know if this person really is Tatsuya. "Why am I here?" I asked. He looked at me curiously.

"You're here because you need to be." They replied. I shook my head.

"Why am I HERE?" I emphasized the 'here'. They realized what I was doing and faced me.

"You're here because you're house was burnt down and you needed someone to look over you 24/7." They replied.

"What did I order?" I said referring to the first time I went to the cafe.

"Mont Blanc." They crossed their arms.

"What was my score?" I crossed my arms.

"796 milliseconds, can't forget a number like that." He smiled slightly, but I had one more question that only Tatsuya would know because he's the one who asked me to do this.

"What did I sing?" I stepped closer to them. I saw a look of confusion and shock on their face. They suddenly smiled and looked at me, and started taking steps closer to me.

"Oh won't you tell me, Please just tell me, Explain, how this should work." He smiled and looked at me hopefully. I felt my eyes well up and I wrapped my arms around their neck. It was strange since it was a different person, but I could feel Tatsuya gently hugging me back. I looked into his eyes, but they were green instead of the blue I adore.

"Tatsuya, (Y/n)?" We heard a quiet voice ask. We looked over to Miyuki in sweats and a tank top. "What's going on?" She walked over to us.

"Do we still have the wine and vodka?" 'Tatsuya' asked her. Miyuki tilted her head.

~Timeskip from a pervy vampire~

Erika, Mizuki, and Leo all looked at me with confused expressions. We all sat in silence while the alcohol sat on the coffee table. "Wait." Erika said getting everybody's attention. "Does that mean you remember us?" She asked. I nodded and the three looked relieved. Leo sighed and smiled happily at me.

"Well that's good to hear." I saw Tatsuya clench his hand into a fist. "So what do we do now?" He asked looking at the alcohol.

"Well now I get black out drunk, and you two bring me to a cold shower after." I said pointing to Leo and Tatsuya. "The rest of you can drink as much as you want." I poured a shot of vodka and lifted it in the air. "To remembering again." The rest of them poured a shot and we clinked them all. We all drank the shot and sighed. This was going to be a long night.


A/n: Done and done. I've been slacking due to it being more of a summer thing than a school thing. I do plan on updating it more, but I just need to find the time. Thank you all for reading, and don't forget to vote and comment. See ya in the next chapter. 

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