Shopping: Chapter 6

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A/n: Sorry for slow updates, I wasn't sure if people were reading this anymore. Anyway, I'll see if I can get another one out soon. Please enjoy.


*(Y/n) POV*

The gentle sunlight was on my face as I awoke. I opened my eyes up and blinked a few times. I was about to sit up, when an arm wrapped around my waist tightened its grip. I was shocked momentarily until I recalled what happened the night before. I looked up and saw a tired looking Tatsuya.

He was sleeping, but it looks like he just went to sleep because he had bags under his eyes. Some hair fell in front of his face, that covered his right eye. His head was sliding towards mine as he slept. I looked at the door and nuzzled my head against his chest again. His calm breathing was soothing, but I could hear his rapid heartbeat. Was he nervous? I suddenly heard a small rumbling in his chest causing me to look up at his tired blue eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked quietly. I nodded.

"Did you even sleep Tatsuya?" I asked in concern. He should take care of himself, even if I'm involved. He shook his head, all of a sudden he used his other arm to push me underneath him. His arms soon gave out, and he was now laying on top of me with his head right above my chest and his legs tangled with mine. He was breathing steadily, and I couldn't help but giggle at how vulnerable he is right now. He opened his eyes just to look at mine.

"Can you sing?" He asked. My eyes widened as I felt a blush on my cheeks.

"I can." I stated embarrassed. He looked at the window.

"Sing me something, please." He asked nonchalantly. I felt the blush increase. I shook my head.

"I'll sound really bad." I stated. He shrugged. His arms slithered under my back and he was hugging me like a koala. When his arms went behind my back, I shivered slightly. He chuckled on top of me. I sighed and started going through the songs I could sing.

"How about this?" I asked, and started singing.
"Oh, won't you tell.
Please just tell me.
Explain, how this should work?"
He looked up at me like a small child.
"Well, now who could it be?
That lives inside of me.
I'm broken, lying helpless, shattered.
Surrounded by the world.
And yet you're smiling bright.
Completely blind to life."

(Tokyo Ghoul Unravel English)

I looked down at him, only to find him sleeping. He looked so peaceful, that I just continued to sing the rest of the song until I fell asleep again.

•Few hours later•

"Tatsuya, hold up! You don't have to buy me any clothes!" I shouted out from across the parking lot. After we got up from our nap, Miyuki came home and saw me in her clothes. Tatsuya then dragged me and Miyuki to the mall so that I could get clothes of my own.

"You are going to be living with us for a while. It's the least we can do." Miyuki said with a gentle smile. It was true I would be there for a while, but he didn't have to buy me new clothes because of it. I would have gotten a job sooner or later and paid for everything myself. I sighed. At least they're giving me clothes and a roof over my head. Once we were inside, we walked side by side and window shopped at first. Then when we got to the food court I recognized a few people that went to school with us there. They looked over at us, but I had walked into a store.

I pick a few things out here and there, and Miyuki was helping me pick some cute outfits, but Tatsuya was denying everything I chose. It was either too flashy, too short, or showed too much skin. I eventually got a few things and we walked out. I was starting to wonder why my house caught fire, when Tatsuya grabbed my hand tightly and started pulling me. It looked like he was annoyed by something. I'll ask about it later.

"Can we head home now?" I asked carrying five different bags. They both nodded and headed for the car. Once we got home I went upstairs and took a shower before going back down to watch some television with Miyuki. When I got there I see Tatsuya on a computer with the television on.

"Where's Miyuki?" I asked him. He looked at me with dead eyes when his eyes softened.

"She went to bed early. Do you want to watch something?" He asked turning his computer off. I walked over to the couch, sat down, and brought my cold legs onto the couch. I was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. He started flipping through channels and put his feet on the coffee table. I looked over at him and he seemed so focused and determined it made me chuckle causing him to look at me.

"What's funny?" He asked nonchalantly.

"You just look really determined about something and it's amusing." I said truthfully. He sighed, put a random channel on, and got up to sit right near my feet. While we were watching whatever he put on, he decided to rest his head on my waist looking at the television. I looked at him slightly confused.

"By the way, why did you grab my hand at the mall?" I asked. I saw his face turn to discomfort.

"The people at the food court were staring at you." He said with his eyes closed.

"Why do you care if they were staring at me?" I asked him. He opened his eyes and looked up. He inhale from his nose before sitting up. He moved my body so that he was between my legs and my back on the couch. I felt my face heating up as he looked down on me. He was merely a few inches away from my face looking into my eyes. He moved his hands to push my arms over my head and he intertwined our fingers together holding my hands down.

"I can't let them stare at what's mine, now can I?" He said teasingly. I was in shock. Tatsuya never spoke like that. I felt my face heat up even more. He chuckled and moved his face slightly closer, to where his breaths were going down my neck. "I have to protect the people I love right?" He whispered into my ear before biting my earlobe. I gasp at the new action. I knew about "it" and stuff like that, but I've never done it. He lightly kissed down my jawline and down my neck. My stomach was starting to feel uncomfortable and I started squirming under him. He was still kissing my neck, until he dragged his tongue up my neck slowly.

When he hit a certain spot I moaned slightly, making him smile and start sucking on that spot. I moaned lowly as he attacked that spot on my neck. Once he finished he pulled back looked up at me and I saw his eyes clouded with lust. He moved his face closer to mine, causing me to look away from his gaze. He removed one hand and put it gently under my chin to direct my attention to him again. He softly kissed my cheeks, my forehead, my eyelids, and finally my lips. His lips were soft and warm, and the kiss wasn't as passionate, but gentle and sweet. He pushed into it slightly and licked his tongue on my bottom lip. I denied him access for him to explore my mouth, and he cooperated not trying it again.

Instead we shared a long sweet kiss. Once he pulled away slowly, I opened my eyes to see his full of lust still, but a little hurt. I knew my face was red as a tomato. He smiled and brushed some hair out of my face.

"Was that good?" He asked gently rubbing the mark he left on my neck. I couldn't form words, so I just nodded causing him to chuckle. "We should head to bed." He suggested getting off of me and now standing to the side of me as I laid on my back. He extended his hand and I gracefully took it. All of a sudden, my feet leave the ground and I squeak. He chuckles while I look at him with a small glare. I wrap my arms around his neck as he walks me to my room. We go in and he places me on the bed, but he motions me to move over so he can get in. I obey and he gets under the covers. We are both under the cover laying face to face staring at each other's eyes. He puts his hand on my waist and pulls me closer to his chest and I snuggle into his chest instantly. I look up and he gives me a peck on the nose before resting his chin on my head. I snuggle as close I can get before I start shutting my eyes.

"Good night, (y/n)." I heard Tatsuya whisper.

"Good night Tatsuya." I said before we both went into a deep sleep.

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