"Home": Chapter 5

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A/N: I may stop with the notes, but you go to your new home and you have some recurring memories. Enjoy!

*Y/n POV*

I looked at the doctor in shock.'He can't be serious.' I thought.
"We should be able to dispatch you in two weeks." He bowed and left to attend to other patients.
"Why did you do that?!"I asked shocked, but mainly angry. I didn't want his help. I could take care of myself. He looked at me with emotionless eyes.

"It would be safer if you stayed closer, and besides he said you needed to be watched over 24/7." He stated. I sighed, knowing I was going to lose this argument regardless.
"Fine. Whatever." I said sarcastically. He sighed.

"I just want to keep you safe. I'll see you later." He said standing up. He walked away and to the door. Once he left I relaxed and tried to fall asleep again. This will be a long two weeks.

•Two Weeks later•

*Y/n POV still*

I had just been dispatched and was in the car silently as Tatsuya drove us to his house. I recalled the last two weeks,and remembered Erica's face light up when she saw me awake, Leo bringing me flowers, Mizuki baking treats, and Miyuki coming once in awhile with Tatsuya.

We had arrived to his house after I recalled my memories. He got out and opened the door on my side, and helped me out. I nodded as a thank you and we walked up the path. He opened the front door, that lead into a great entrance with stairs running down. I stepped inside and looked to the left and saw a huge living room with a great tv.

"Come on, I'll show you your room." Tatsuya said with a slight smile. I nodded and slightly limped while he walked slowly beside me.
"Are you going to be ok going up the stairs?" He asked gently.
"I'll be fine." I said more harsh than anticipated. He nodded and walked behind me, just in case I fell. I made it to the top and moved out of the way, so Tatsuya could show me the right way.

"This way." He said and started walking down one hallway.
"Where's Miyuki?" I asked as I tagged behind him.
"Out with some friends." He stated nonchalantly. I looked at the rest of the hallway and saw a few pictures here and there.

"My room is next to yours and Miyuki's is across from mine." He stated as he pointed at each door. He opened the one that was going to be my room. There was a queen size bed with a navy blue quilt on it.

There was a giant window that showed the sunset. I was so mesmerized by the view, that I subconsciously walked to the window. I heard a chuckle behind and jumped slightly.

"I'm glad you enjoy the view. The bathroom is right across, and the kitchen is behind the living room. Let me know if you need anything."
"Actually some clothes to sleep in, please." I asked kindly. He nodded and left. I looked at the bed and threw myself on it. I immediately regretted it because I ended up wincing in pain because of the impact. I was comfy regardless. Tatsuya walked in with a pair of clothes in his hands.

"These are a pair of Miyuki's clothes. You guys should be the same size." He said as he walked over and placed them on the bed.
"Thank you. For everything, Tatsuya. I'm sorry about how I reacted before." I muttered to him. He nodded as accepting my gratitude. He walked out and went into his room. I got up with "my" clothes and limped to the bathroom.

Once I shut the door, I looked in the mirror and saw a few bruises that remained on my face. I took my top off and saw all the scars that went up my back, from landing in the glass. I winced turning my head to look in the mirror. I turned around and started up the shower. After I finished I made my way to my room and rested on my bed. My stomach was on the bed while I looked out the window, in to the night sky. I shut my eyes and took a nap.

*Tatsuya POV*

I heard the shower shut off, knowing that she had just finished up. I left my room to go ask her if she wanted something to eat, instead I saw a sprawled out (y/n) lying on her bed. Her hair covered part of her face, which was facing the window. She had left her door open, so I stepped in to make her more comfortable in her bed.

I flipped her so she was on her back and picked her up bridal style. She seemed lighter than I thought, not that I thought differently of her. I carried her sleeping body to the side of the bed. I heard her inhale, and a smile was planted on her face. I felt my cheeks heat up, but I smiled softly at her.

I placed her down as gently as possible because of her injuries. I pet her hair out of the way and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. I left the room after that.

*Y/n POV*

I was surrounded by flames. I was exposed to six people, and I was in my under garments. I was sobbing and screaming at them to stop. They had fire pokers in their hands and were poking me in my legs, arms, and back. They kept chanting. 'Leave, and rot in hell' I was so scared and confused.

'(Y/n)' I heard one chant. I looked that way and saw a blue and purple figure in front of me.

'(Y/n)' he chanted again, but this time the entire room was shaking.
"(Y/n)! Wake up." I heard somebody shout at me. I sat up quickly, but immediately groaned in pain. I was panting heavily and gasping for air.

I looked around and saw that I was in my room, and looked to the right just to see a worried Tatsuya.
"Hey, hey. You're okay. Don't worry. Okay? I'm here." He said trying to calm me down. I looked into his blue eyes, they showed worry, panic, and relief. I looked down and lifted my hand to my cheek, just to find tears. I looked back at him.
"What happened?" I asked with my voice cracking slightly.

"I was in my room when I heard screaming in here. When I knocked, you didn't answer, so I just let myself in. That's when I saw you thrashing around slightly and tears were streaming down your eyes." He explained. I nodded, and started remembering what my nightmare was. I covered my mouth and started sobbing again.

I felt a dip on the side of the bed and felt a pair of strong arms surround me. I didn't care who it was, but I wrapped my arms around their back and neck, while my head was in the crook of their neck. They rested their head next to mine and started to nuzzle me. I eventually calmed down and separated from the person, that was Tatsuya.

"Are you okay for now?" He asked cautiously. I nodded. He got up and started to leave when I grabbed his wrist.

"Wait can you please stay with me. Just until I fall asleep." I said quickly. He looked at me shocked, but softened his expression. He walked back to the side of the bed while I scooted over so he could get in. He lifted the covers and made himself comfortable. His arm was open, so that I could rest on him. I went closer to him and rested my head on his chest.

I could hear his calming heartbeat and feel his steady breathing. His arm moved and he draped it over my waist loosely. He moved his hand to play with the ends of my hair as if it was a cat toy. I felt my eye lids droop and looked up at him one last time before I fell into a peaceful sleep. On his face was a genuine smile, without hesitation.

A/N: kinda short but it works see ya next chapter.

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