Living: Chapter 17

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A/n: LOOK, AN UPDATE! This is gonna be short, but I'm going to try and update all of my works at once, or I'm probably going to take another long aśs break because I've lost my 'motivation' to keep writing, but I don't plan on stopping, just VERRRRRY slow updates ^^ Enjoy!

*(Y/n) POV*

As I stood in the kitchen preparing tea, I could hear slight talking in the other room. I couldn't believe Ichijou had found me. I giggled to myself and sighed finally pouring the tea. A pair of arms then wrapped around my waist and I gasped at the sudden surprise, spilling the tea a bit. "Why and how do you know him?" Tatsuya asked sternly behind my ear.

I sighed and placed the kettle down and grabbed a paper towel. "I grew up with him. I had moved near him and we just happened to meet." I said as I wiped up the spill I had made. I picked up the cups and turned around facing Tatsuya. "And I suggest you act like a gentleman." I hastily walk past him and place the tea in the coffee table in front of him.

"Thank you (Y/n)." He says as he takes a sip. Tatsuya plops down next to me and wrapped an arm behind me before giving Ichijou and blank stare. Ichijou gives Tatsuya a confused glance and continues drinking his tea. "So," he clears his throat quietly, "how long have you been staying here with him?" He nods his head in Tatsuya's direction.

His arm pulls me tightly to him and he slowly blinks. "She's been her for the past month, she's in safe hands if you're offering her to stay with you." He says to him as I roll my eyes in annoyance, slightly pinching his leg, which his gaze darted to me in confusion. I gave him a look and he scoffed quietly before nuzzling his forehead into my shoulder. I sigh and pat his back gently.

"Like he said, about a month or so, the house I was in had suddenly went up in flames." Ichijou's face dropped and he turned a bit pale. I was about to ask what was wrong before he suddenly sighed.

"Well thank goodness you're alright. I've been so worried since I've seen that broadcast, not entirely sure if it was your house or not." He placed the cup down delicately and looked at me with sparkling eyes. "And, I was going to offer if you'd like to stay with me, your parents are actually at my parents, if it's any consolation."

My eyes had widened and I could feel Tatsuya grip me tighter in an attempt to keep me from going anywhere. "Well, that's great to hear." I say in an almost forced tone. I would be leaving Tatsuya, and who knows when I'll be able to come over and stay with him.

Tatsuya moved both his arms around me with his cheek on my shoulder, he face looking at the back of the couch. I rest my head against his and rub his leg. "Great! I'll let your parents where you are and that you'll be staying with us." Ichijou stood up and brushed of his shirt before coming in my direction.

"I'll see you soon (Y/n)." He gave me the slightest wink and went to the door, gently shutting it closed after him. After he had left, Tatsuya and I had sat in silence, most likely contemplating about the same situation.

I sighed and kept resting my cheek against his head, his grip holding me tightly, to where if I tried to get up, it would be almost impossible. As I had opened my mouth to speak, Tatsuya roughly pushes me down to the couch, me letting out a surprised gasp and he presses his lips against mine, in an almost angry and frustrated way.

His tongue slipped into my mouth, once again exploring my cavern, remembering how it felt as he prodded my tongue with his own and started to suck on my tongue. My hands held onto his shirt, digging my nails into his arm one second and then I was loosely clinging to him another. My eyes had scrunched shut tightly and my face burning red no doubt.

I started to try and push him away and was getting uncomfortable how he forced his tongue into my mouth and the fact he was taking advantage of our situation. I tried to gently hit his chest to tell him, but to no avail. In fact, he seem like he was going to stop. Next thing I was feeling was his warm, gentle hand gliding up my stomach and almost touching the underwire of my bra.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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