Forgotten: Chapter 9

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*(Y/n) POV*

I rested my elbow on the desk and supported my head with my hand, tapping my pen on the surface. It's been about four days since the incident from Sayaka. Tatsuya forgot about what happened to me the next day, but I didn't mind because I wouldn't have to explain what happened. I saw my screen flash letting me know someone sent something. I looked at it and saw that Tatsuya had sent me something. I stealthily opened the note and read it.

I know I haven't asked yet, but would you like to be my girlfriend?

I smiled and felt a small blush on my cheeks. I looked up towards Tatsuya, but he was still looking at the teacher. I rolled my eyes and decided not to respond and tell him after.

~Time Skip~

I just walked out of the classroom, but I felt a hand snatch my wrist and pull me to the right. I gasped a little and karate chopped the person's hand, but the hand belonged to Erica. She was pouting and rubbing her wrist. "You got some power. Ow." She told me strained.

I blushed from embarrassment, but I felt very nervous someone else saw that, but we were the only ones in the hallway. I looked towards Erica again and crossed my arms. "Well that's what you get for scaring me." She tilted her head in confusion.

"I just wanted to ask about what happened at the cafe." She put her hands up like I accused her of something. I felt my eyes widen, but I put on the best fake smile I could make.

"Nothing happened. She just wanted to tell me something." I said innocently. She didn't look convinced, but nodded her head slightly. I saw Tatsuya walking over, with a stoic face as usual. He walked over to me and gave me a peck on the cheek and grabbed my hand. I knew I was blushing harshly, but Erika's shocked face kept me distracted.

"So you two are a thing?!" She asked with surprise. I lowered my head, but saw Tatsuya nodded his head confidently. I felt even more embarrassed and went more behind Tatsuya. "That's awesome! But does Miyuki know?" She asked confused. I looked at her from behind him and shook my head.

"And she won't know until I tell her." Tatsuya told her calmly. He started walking away, pulling me with him. I followed behind him till we got to what looked like an empty classroom. He stopped and looked at me seriously in the eye. "What's your answer?" He asked bluntly. I suddenly remembered the note. I smiled and chuckled at how desperate he was to know.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend." I said chuckling at the end. He sighed and pulled me closer to him. I looked up into his blue eyes, and saw a playful glint in them.

"Then I get to do this." He kissed my jaw, and started going down to my neck. As much as I was slightly enjoying the attention, I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him back slightly.

"Sorry, but you can wait." I looked in his eyes, and they looked slightly hurt. I kissed him on the cheek and headed to the door. I walked into the hall towards my next class. As I was walking, I ended up bumping into someone and we both stumbled backwards. I looked at them to see a girl with raven black hair, and she had red eyes when she looked at me. "Sorry about that." I said quickly, not knowing who that was.

"It's fine. I guess we were both distracted." We both chuckled and stood up straight. "Well, I'm Mayumi Saegusa." She held a hand out with a smile on her face. I took her hand and shook it with a smile on my face.

"It's nice to meet you." We put our hands down and I looked at the time. "Oh no, I'm going to be late. I'll talk to you later Mayumi." I walked off waving and she waved back heading in the opposite direction.

~Time skip~

I walked down the steps exhausted from today. I guess I got out early because I was one of the only ones there. I went to one of the benches and sat down. I waited and saw people walking out, but not the trio, or Tatsuya for that matter. "He didn't say anything about Student Council." I said to myself. I sighed and stood up heading home.

As I walked, it felt like I was being followed. I rushed inside of the house and shut the door quickly. I sighed and headed upstairs. I put my bag down on the bed, and decided to look for Miyuki, or Tatsuya. I looked in the house and they weren't there. I scratched my head and headed to the kitchen. I started to get some coffee,and I was going to watch a movie.

I checked my phone just in case, and there were no calls or texts from anyone. I sat in the living room and tried to turn on the Tv, but it said there was no connection. I tilted my head, but a cloth was put under my nose. I was struggling and hyperventilating, breathing in a strange smell, and immediately felt tired. I felt really dizzy until I was consumed in darkness.

*Tatsuya POV*

I was walking home with the rest of them, but (Y/n). She wasn't answering her phone, and I was surprised she didn't come to the cafe. She probably would've gotten lost anyway, she is new to the area. Miyuki and I walked into our house and I locked the door behind me. I headed upstairs to see (Y/n)'s bag on the bed, and I heard the shower running.

I knocked on the door and heard nothing. I opened to see (Y/n) in the tub with her clothes on. I ran over turned the water off and shook (Y/n). "Hey, wake up." I said sternly. She was cold, but it felt like she had been in there for about an hour. I picked her up and carried her down stairs. I placed her on the couch and went to get something hot.

"What happened Tatsuya?" I heard Miyuki ask. I turned to her and shrugged slightly. I put a towel under hot water and went over to her to put it on her forehead. After I did that, she started squirming around and she opened her eyes. I sighed and looked into her fear filled eyes. Wait, fear? She bolted up quickly and fell off the couch scooting away.

"Who the hell are you people? Where am I?" She asked frantically looking around. I was shocked at how scared she was right now. I looked at Miyuki and she shrugged at what we were supposed to do.


A/n: And another part done. Yay!! I'm so happy you guys are enjoying this. I'll make another chapter soon, but don't forget to vote and comment. See ya in the next one.

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