Relaxing: Chapter 13

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*(Y/n) POV*

"Yes. Okay. I'll see if I can get her in sometime after school. Okay, thank you." I hear someone say. I slowly opened my eyes and yawned with a small squeal. I stretched with my back arched off the bed and laid down facing the ceiling. I heard someone chuckle and looked at the door seeing Tatsuya with bed hair, leaning on the door frame. He started walking over to me like I was his prey, but I smirked at him as he put an arm next to me and leaned over me with his own smirk.

"Why are you bipolar in the morning?" I asked him. His smirk turned into a confused expression and when he realized what I meant he rolled his eyes and gave me a quick kiss.

"Get up. I have a surprise." He started getting off the bed before I wrapped my arms around his waist making him drag me slightly. My cheek was on his stomach, and I felt his stomach move as he chuckled, but he started moving back even more with me hanging on to him with my chest off the bed. "Are you really doing this?" He asked me. I shut my eyes pretending to be asleep again.

He sighed and took my arms off his waist, flipped me to be on my back and picked me up. I was squinting trying to see where we were going, but he suddenly put his hand that was under my back over eyes, blinding my vision. "If you're going to pretend to be asleep you can't see anything right?" I mentally gasped but I shut my eyes again letting him carry me to where ever he was taking me.

He stopped and put my feet on the ground, and I instinctively stood up, but his hand was still on my eyes. "I didn't know you sleep walk." He teased whispering into my ear. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, okay. Where am I?" I asked putting my hands up before they were at my sides again. He removed his hand, but told me to keep them closed. I sighed and crossed my arms. I eventually heard water getting drained, but it stopped and water started running, with a sweet aroma in the air. I sniffed and went to open my eyes before he covered them again.

"Didn't I tell you to keep them closed?" He asked me before moving away to turn the source of water off. "Should I cover my eyes?" He asked me out of nowhere. He put his hands at the hem of my shirt, ready to pull it over my head. I pushed his hands down and jumped back, opening my eyes while doing so.

I looked at him like he was insane, but I got a better look to where I was, seeing he brought me to the bathroom where there were a few candles around and a bubble bath was made. He put his hands in the air and looked at me with worry. I sighed and walked closer to him giving him a hug as an apology.

He returned it and rested his head on top of mine. We stood there for a few seconds in silence as the scent faded slightly. I pulled away and looked behind him to see the bath filled and I smiled at him trying to surprise me. I felt like crying slightly for ruining the surprise because of the amount of effort he put into it. "So do you like it?" He asked me. I looked at him with slightly sad eyes, but gave him a smile and nodded.

He had relief and worry in his eyes before pecking me on the cheek. "I shouldn't have moved so fast in the first place. Don't worry about anything, that's the whole point I did this." He said looking into my eyes and placing a hand on my cheek. I nodded and leaned into his warm palm. He gave me a small smile before putting his hand in the water and flicking any access water off his hand. "I suggest you get in now otherwise it'll get cold." I nodded and he headed for the door, but I felt the impulse to ask him to stay in here with me. As he opened the door, I ran over and wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.

"Can you please stay with me?" I asked tensely and slightly embarrassed. I did catch him off guard, making him silent for a few seconds until I felt his hands gently grabbed my wrists. He turned around and was smiling at me before kissing me. He pulled back and was still smiling.

"Maybe some other time, but you need to relax right now. We can talk to each other later." He stepped back and gently shut the door. I sighed and walked over to the bath putting my hand in it, feeling its warm temperature. I flicked my hand and pulled my shirt off, but winced slightly feeling a pain in my back. I stood up and looked in the mirror, seeing some scratches in my back. I touched one and winced, knowing that they were going to leave scars. 'How did I get those?' I asked myself before I finished undressing and stepped into the soothing bath.

*Tatsuya POV*

I went down the stairs to smell someone cooking and mixing in with the aroma of alcohol. I gagged slightly and almost tripped over Leo's hungover body. I stepped over him and went into the kitchen to see Erica sitting on the counter and Miyuki cooking. "Oh, Good Morning Brother." She said as she made an omelette. I nodded and Erica waved as she had a hand on her head.

I got a glass of water and walked back to Leo before pouring it one him. He gasped and coughed slightly before looking at me with a confused expression. I smirked slightly, but brought the glass back into the kitchen before getting some Tylenol. I took the medicine and headed back upstairs. I knocked on the bathroom door twice to wait to be invite in, but I was greeted with silence.

Panic flooded my body, but I opened the door slowly seeing (Y/n) leaning back with her eyes shut. I walked in and shut the door behind me, placing the Tylenol on sink counter. I sat on the ground next the tub before I gently shook her shoulder. She opened her (e/c) eyes and smiled at me with half lidded eyes. I chuckled and grabbed the Tylenol. "I'm guessing you're relaxed." I asked already knowing the answer. She nodded slowly and adjusted her body to be sitting up, but the bubbles I added covered her private areas.

She winced grabbing her head with one hand already having side effects to drinking. I poured some Tylenol out and gave them to her. She took them and swallowed them both before putting her hand out for a towel. I grabbed it and handed it to her before standing up and heading to the door. "I'll wait outside." I told her before leaving.


A/n: Hello, this one was kind of laid back since I'm running out of plot ideas, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and will continue reading. See ya in the next chapter.

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