Surprise: Chapter 3

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A/N: omg, I'm excited to finish this chapter cause some actual drama hits the fan. Also this starts with Tatsuya's POV then goes into (y/n) POV. Anyway please enjoy 😊.

*Tatsuya POV*

I was laying in my bed looking up at the ceiling, thinking about how things will go tomorrow. Having the thought of something bad happening Miyuki. No, I won't think like that. I had heard the shower shut off, so I expected my sister to walk in any second. 'Maybe I should text (y/n).' I thought smiling slightly. When I pulled her into the hug we shared it felt like all of my problems had disappeared. I never wanted to let her go, but she would have avoided me if I held on longer. 'Crap, I should've held her longer.' I said to myself. Then I heard a light tap on my door.

"Can I come in Tatsuya?" I heard Miyuki say quietly.
"You can come in." I told her.
She walked in with a white robe surrounding her but I saw pant legs at the bottom of it.
"I just wanted to come ask how you're feeling?" She stated. I knew that she wanted to know how I felt about (y/n). She's a loving sister, but to protective of me. I'm the one who is her body guard, I should be protecting her.
"I'm fine, thank you for asking." I said nonchalantly. She bowed and exited my room. I sighed.

I thought back to how Leo was acting towards (y/n) today. The thought of him touching her made me ball my hands into fists.'I'll just have to get her first.' I thought while I smirked to myself. I grabbed my phone from my side table sending (y/n) a text goodnight. I got under the covers and fell into a sleep where I dreamt of
(Question: does Tatsuya sleep? I don't see him do it in the anime.)

~Time skip brought to you by one short, but sexy captain~


I felt the sun peer through my window in my room, shining lightly on my face. I sat up on my bed while I yawned and stretched. I swung my legs over my bed and looked at my alarm clock.'6:34, that gives me an hour and a half to get ready' I thought. I started walking towards my bathroom to see how bad my hair got and saw a nest. I started laughing at my own reflection because I look ridiculous.

'I've never really had a good laugh till now' I smile at the thought. I grab my blue and silver brush and start brushing the nest of hair I have. After that issue is sorted with, I change in to my uniform and head downstairs with my jacket unbuttoned. I throw some bread into the toaster and wait until it finishes. My phone starts buzzing in my back pocket thinking it was Tatsuya. 'Wait, why do I care if he texts me?' I thought. I went to who had and it was Erica.

Hey there! Where's your house at? You, me, Leo, and Mizuki can head to the school, if you want.
I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

Hi. I'll just meet you guys there ^^

After I sent the text, my toast had just finished. I grabbed the jelly from the fridge and put some on it. I headed for the door and grabbed my bag on the way out. When I opened the door, I saw Leo standing there with his fist in the air, looking like he was just about to knock.

"G-good morning (y/n). I see you got home alright." He said shyly.
"Morning Leo. Excuse me for asking, but why are you here?" I asked curiously. I was still shocked that he found where I lived.

"Hmm. Oh, I must be really weird with me just showing up. But I really wanted to walk with you and get to know you." I was stunned. He walked the opposite way of the school, just to walk with me?

"Ok then. Let's go!" I said happily. He smiled and started heading down the path in front of my house. After locking the front door, my phone buzzed again. This time it was from Tatsuya.

"Come on (y/n)! We're going be late if you walk any slower!" I heard Leo shout.
"Oh you're on!" I shouted back at him and started running towards him, not reading the text Tatsuya sent me.

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