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2 years ago

Sugar: Ya, where are you?

Freak: You're too short to see me in the shop?

Sugar: You were already short standing; you were sitting.

Freak: You're leaving me and this is how you still treat me.

Yoongi pursed his lips at the text, which he knew didn't want to seem as cold but it couldn't be helped coming from his girlfriend of two years and him leaving the country to reunite with his family.

Freak: Hey, are you okay?

The corners of his lips perked up in a smile when he saw that she still messaged him even if she now stood in front of him, just a head shorter. Her chocolate brown eyes were filled with concern, biting her pink lips and her black and brown long hair was tied in a high ponytail.


It made him smile for real when he made Jisoo giggle at the nervousness and awkwardness of the situation. His girlfriend always did look better when she smiled.

"Have you eaten yet, oppa?"

He shook his head, which the brunette was expecting, before she held his hand, making sure to intertwine their fingers together, to pull him into the shop which turned out of be one of their most favorite places to go on dates. He was preoccupied with the feel of her hand in his, the warmth she gave off when she was by his side while she ordered his favorite to the cashier who knew them all too well.

And when they take their seats, the reminder that their time together was ticking fast made them both silent. Jisoo decided to change her gaze to the glass and watch the people rushing in and out of the shops while he tried to imprint everything he could of her in his mind.

"We're not going to end this here, are we?"

Yoongi's eyes widened while Jisoo forced herself to look him in the eye, worry and sadness in her eyes. It had always been in the back of her head since they've started dating, but now that he's leaving and they still haven't talked about it, Jisoo wasn't sure what to do anymore.

He returned to his usual stone-faced expression before reaching to hold her petite hands in his, making sure to look at her in the eye as his face slowly softened. "Jagi, this distance thing is not going to change how I feel for you. I want to keep this going."

Jisoo wanted to pull her hands back badly, all the fear and worry was practically begging to be let out. "We barely see each other anymore, oppa. I'm busy with medical studies while you're making music."

He smiled despite the pang in his chest. "That hasn't stopped us from making time for each other and staying strong for 2 years, has it?" Then he lost the smile. "Or have you changed your mind about this, Soo?"

The look on Yoongi's face snapped her out of her own negative thoughts and she wanted to chastise herself so badly for ever making him doubt about her.

A hard squeeze on his hand and a soft smile. "You're the best thing in my life, Yoongi-ah. I'm not letting that go so easily."

That gummy smile she had fallen in love with was on his face again. They had their moments of doubt but they always did manage to pull through, that was what made her family admire him enough to encourage him.

"I want to kiss you." He said rather cutely, despite rarely finding the motivation to do so.

Jisoo giggled. "I'd let you but the food's getting cold."

The blond grumbled under his breath about her always putting his needs before humoring him but he always did follow what she said. The silence while he ate wasn't awkward anymore, it was their kind of silence, the comfortable one. Then again, it would be ruptured by him feeding her a few spoonfuls, making them feel like everything was what it should be.

They immediately walked out of the restaurant with intertwined hands, shoulders brushing together and small smiles in their silence as they walked around and made fun of every single thing they could, i.e. 'The lady's hair looks like dog shit' 'Yoongi!' 'It's the truth, jagiya!'

He shouldn't have looked at his watch and saw that his flight was in 3 hours. They probably should've start their drive to the airport now if he didn't want to be late.

"What is it oppa?" Jisoo asked when she noticed the change in his expression until she realized it herself. The realization made her clung unto him tighter and he swears that his heart broke when he felt it.

Jisoo was the type to push him to the options that would give him benefits, even if that meant less time for her in his life and she was the one who encouraged him to reunite with his family even if she was internally screaming for him not to go.

"It's time."


There's a different intensity to this kiss compared to the others, she notes amusedly, when he parked the car to the side of the road to pin her between his body and the seat. Somehow, she's managed to convince him to be late for another 20 minutes, and Jisoo has no doubt that her lips are going to look absolutely attacked by the end of this.

"I'm going to miss you so fucking much." He murmurs, letting their foreheads bump into each other as they caught their breath.

Jisoo let out a breathy chuckle while letting her fingers trace patterns into the back of his neck. "You better come back home to me soon."

Something in Yoongi brightens up at the sentence, probably because it contained the words 'come back home to me'. He doubts he'll stay long if his family turns out to be assholes and they both know it.

A little poke on his nose brings Yoongi back to reality. "Did you hear me, Min?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Jisoo leaned back to give him a soft kiss before proceeding to push him gently away from her. "I think we've already pushed the boundaries, Yoongi. You're going to be late."

The blond reluctantly returns to the driver's seat and restarts the engine while his girlfriend took a face mask from her bag and put it on, making him laugh in mirth at knowing he was the reason.

The remaining drive was silent for the most part, but their hands never did let go of each other. They both talked about the plan, Yoongi would leave, Jisoo would take the car back to his place and then they would Skype.

"I can't really stand goodbyes." Yoongi admitted to her when he left the car with his bags in hand. Jisoo's smile turned melancholic before she cupped his cheek and kissed him softly again.

"Be safe and come back to me."

"I will."

Another kiss. "I love you, Sugar."

A gummy smile. "I love you too, Freak."

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