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"I saw you."

She's just far too irritated with him to try being civil. "What happens in my life, Yoongi-ssi, is none of your concern anymore."

"Whether I care about you or not is up to me, and I'm not letting you go until you tell me why you were seeing an investigative journalist of all people."

The woman knows she should've been more careful to be seen in public but how could see deny the hopeful look on his face? They were just at a bookstore, picking books for their respective proffesion when she noticed the black-haired man looking at her from outside the shop.

"I care for him." Jisoo replies steadily, checking her watch to see if she was going to run late for that trip around the city with Taehyung. When she sees no change in expression on his face, she grabs her bag even more tightly. "Don't hurt him, oppa. That's the last thing you could ever do for me."

With that, Jisoo left in the opposite direction the journalist took when she told him to go home. Scoffing a bit in disbelief, the older man took out his phone and opened an app. A radar popped up and showed his target was at that same university they went to 4 years ago. Another app beside this one had almost all of his files, and it showed no suspicious detail and abnormality.

It just didn't make any sense to Yoongi. She rarely goes as far as to go in public for someone, and with her bodyguards actually trying to blend in. So what made Jeon Jungkook special?

It isn't jealousy that makes him wary of her moves; she was a Kim, and they always had an ulterior motive. Spending 2 years plagued by her seemingly weird and subtle actions made him realize the answers to almost all of his questions about her.

Yoongi sighed, massaging his temples. "Just what the fuck does she think she's doing?"


"No, and that's an order, Jung Hoseok."

The black-haired man crossed his arms over his chest with a scowl on his face as the taller one tried to pass him.

"And what did Jin-hyung say about this?"

Namjoon looked at him, his eyes cold and sharp. "He doesn't need to know. And you don't need to tell anyone."

"Bullshit." Hoseok snapped. "A whole platoon of recruits were massacred and you don't think he needs to know?!"

A brown-haired head popped out of the room near them, looking disdainfully at them. "We have the right to know when that happens, hyung." Then he looked at Hoseok. "When and which?"

"10 days after Han was killed." Hoseok replied with a dry throat, knowing Namjoon was glaring at him. "It was IV."

"Shit, they were our best recruits yet." Taehyung hissed, stepping out of his room and grabbing his phone. "And who the fuck did it?"

It was Namjoon who answered through pursed lips.



"This is utter bullshit." Yoongi remarked with a scrunched up nose. The scent of hair dye was still heavy, but Jennie and Jimin paid no attention to it.

He had bleached his hair back to its platinum blond for reasons he himself didn't know, but the thing that pushed him to do so was an invitation from the Kims to Santorini, Greece. It was a spur-out-of-the-moment decision, as did the duo's and Kim Taehyung's sudden arrival.

Taehyung had been MIA in the Kim residence as a result from a business deal in Malaysia and been sent to be guided by Yoongi under Seokjin's request with the words of 'In case I'm gone, make sure he knows what to do. I never want Jisoo to be doing this job.'

He remembers the ring her mother handed to him and forces himself to focus on the duo. At one point he has to give it back and explain why he had it. It'll probably cause a small strain in his relationship to Seokjin. The Kim had been fond of him, a little judgemental at first but accepted him as her boyfriend and a friend but things did go a bit sour when they've broken up, but they were civil. Well, there was this one time Yoongi did break one of Jin's favorite Mario figurine and it cost him quite a lot.

Taehyung excused himself out of the house when he heard Jennie shout something about how frustratingly good the Kims were at hiding. If it's a woman screaming like a lunatic about his family, he backs away. It's actually amusing to Yoongi, if only his house was being ransacked by the officer.

Hoseok apologized on the phone, saying that Jennie had something that could destroy him, so he begged him to cooperate. Reluctantly, he did so for his best friend.

"Is it done yet?" Jennie asked, peering over the short boy's shoulder to see the printer doing its work. It was currently printing every information about Ahn Doyeon and the men who were found murdered to avenge.

Jimin quickly ripped Doyeon's records out when it was done and he immediately scowled.

"What is it?"

His finger was below a single date and a sentence. The date was 4 years ago, and there was no other recorded history of the identity.

"How the fuck did this pass through your team, Kim?" Jimin demanded.

Jennie ran a hand through her hair in frustration. "Damn corrupt subordinates."

The platinum blond watched their exchange with a blank look, his eyes fixed on the picture of Ahn Doyeon. He knows that he saw someone akin to her, it was at the tip of his tongue before his fist tightened at the realization. He knows, and they don't even notice.

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