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Jisoo never took the time to memorize brands or types since all she's been drilling in her brain are medical terms and how to use every single piece of equipment. Sure, she could easily distinguish the things that she's been using for most of her life like Prada, Pandora, Louis Vuitton and Hermes, but she never thought she'd have to memorize guns of all things.

The girl nearly jumps when she feels someone wrap their arms around her waist and place their chin on her shoulder, but it's only Taehyung who gives her his infamous box smile. She returns a smile, albeit weakly before looking at the mass collection of weaponry hanging in the walls and stored in glass cases. He follows her gaze and holds unto her tighter.

"Need some help, noona?"

Jisoo sighs before looking at him again. "Be honest with me, Taetae." He doesn't like the cold piercing gaze she gives him, it's a first. "How long have you and Seokjin-oppa been in this business?"

"Do you really want the truth?" Something in his voice tells her that he's only trying to protect her more, but she has to know.

A heavy sigh. "4 years ago, a few months before umma and appa died."

A gasp involuntarily escapes her pink lips at the new information. She was only expecting the answer to be near the time she left, she didn't know they were involved in this for a long time now.

Taehyung sighs before hugging her closer, expecting the shock but still it stung. He was silent to let her digest the answer in her head before pulling her along with him to the end of the room.

"Noona, I know you're a doctor and that you have to save lives, no matter who they are, but there are times that you really need to pull the trigger."

She nodded, everything that they were telling her recently had already ran through her head. Taehyung smiled a bit at her quick adaptation to the situation.

Jisoo drummed her fingers on his arm in thought. "I have a feeling you both don't want me to take the oath, even if I continue my work."

The look on his face was enough to confirm her thoughts. They were only thinking of her safety, and Jisoo should appreciate that rather than being kept in the dark.

"Have you chosen one yet?" He asks innocently. If anyone else was eavesdropping and they were in a different room, perhaps they'd think he was asking her which bag or jewelry she wants, not a gun.

Jisoo let out a shaky laugh. "I have little knowledge of anything else outside the medical field, Taehyung. This is directly opposite my field of study."

The brown-haired man nods, lets go of her but places his hand on the small of her back and inspects the guns in the glass cases. His eyes land on exactly what he's looking for and he's quick to grab it while his sister watches with interest.

He hands her the gun and lets her inspect it. "That's a .357 Magnum Chiappa Rhino. It's better for concealed carrying and easy enough to use for someone who's just learning."

For some reason, Jisoo isn't terrified of holding the weapon. She's more interested on how to use one, considering the only thing she's been using for the past week is a pellet gun.

Taehyung can't help but smile when he sees Seokjin in her. It shouldn't make him happy that she's learning this but it gives him comfort that she can defend herself.

"Once you're done with that gun, you'll use a Desert Eagle." He says casually before taking the gun from her. He proceeds to prod at her back and lead her to the case next to it.

"There's a Springfield XD, some Glocks and..." Taehyung catches himself before he starts rambling about the other guns on display. "These ones are the ones we think you should use. The Rhino is the best for you in our opinion but if you ever feel tired of it, use one of these."

Jisoo tries to absorb the information as hard as she can, and her effort is very visible to her younger brother who laughs before giving her the Rhino again. He spins her around and starts leading her towards the door while telling her to hide the gun in the inner pocket of her jacket.

"Let's eat first, yeah?"


"Thanks, doll."

Jisoo ignores the endearment as she continues to sanitize the now bloody scalpel and tweezers. She's going to restock on some of the other medicine now that she's gotten a good look at their inventory.

Hoseok is sitting down in their couch in a dried pool of blood, the gunshot wound sanitized and patched up. He's never seen Jisoo that flushed before, especially when they took off his slacks so that she could take the bullet out of his thigh. It was the fault of a really obnoxious club owner who decided that trashing one of Namjoon's clubs would be fine and go unavenged. A little stumble caused him to be the perfect target to be hit and that led to their predicament.

"It didn't hit anything vital from what I know." She says softly. "But you still have to go to the hospital and not mention my name, oppa. It's not allowed for unlicensced doctors to operate on people."

"I will, Jichu." He replies, trying hard not to move.

The brunette looks over her head and tilts her head. "Do you need anything, Hobi?"

The black-haired man patted the space next to him that wasn't bloodstained. "We need to tal---"

The door swung open to reveal Namjoon with a box of pizza, chicken and a bottle of Sprite. "That operation must've took a lot out of you, dongsaeng! You must be starving!"

Jisoo giggles and takes a box, missing the shared glare Namjoon and Hoseok give each other, before placing it on the coffee table. "I'll go get you some water, oppa." She quickly leaves them.

"What the hell, Joon? We were about to discuss something important!"

He pretends to be innocent, and that aggravates the older man. "Bad timing then, I'm sorry." Then his gaze turns sharp. "You could tell her now, Jung. Or is it too private to be said in front of me?"

His glare would've scared him any other day but he had to prevent that.

"Fuck you, Kim Namjoon."

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