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"Jungkookie, I'm so sorry."

The young journalist is fidgeting in the car, very uncomfortable at the thought of his half-relatives waiting to meet him in a restaurant while Jisoo is nearly in tears at the cold faces of her older brother and cousin when they found out. She herself has no idea what to expect but he was a Kim too, well by their mother's side he was and they couldn't hurt another unless they wanted to break the family rules.

His grip on her hand tightens to a painful hold. "Noona, how?"

She shakes her head, not knowing the answer herself and this just agitates him more. They could see the familiar outline of the restaurant and their hearts nearly colaspe from the rapid beating.

"Jungkook," Jisoo says when the door is open. "Whatever happens, I want you to be safe." then she quietly mouths a word which he nods to before they both go out of the car.

Tonight would be just Jungkook (hopefully) being introduced to the Kim Family, as the Min-Kim engagement party would take place a week after. The poor man is nearly as pale as Yoongi as they are led to the private room Namjoon had reserved for this night.

The older girl faces her brother and smiles softly. "You're going to do great, Kookie. I'll protect you." She waits for him to reply, but gets none so they enter the room.

Immediately, they see Seokjin at the head of the table, Taehyung and Namjoon at one side and the two other seats empty for them. The red-haired girl thanks God that her fiancé didn't have the nerve to intrude on this family matter yet.

Jungkook immediately stiffens a bit at the sight of them but a gentle hand on his arm by his older sister calms him relatively fine.

The eldest of the Kims smiles a bit, only the corners of his lips curve up as he stands. "He really is a Kim." Then he looks directly at Jungkook. "I'm your Seokjin-hyung, the eldest."

It was only then did the youngest realize that he did have some semblance to the eldest and he tries to avoid looking at them when he can as they sit down and start eating in silence.

The only sound that could be heard was the utensils scratching on the plates, the soft chattering of other patrons outside the room and the occasional amazed sounds courtesy of Seokjin. So far, they seem open to him.

"Has anyone told you that you're cute like a bunny?"

The older Kims start laughing when Jungkook chokes on his food with Jisoo patting his back to help him. Out of all the things that could've been said, Taehyung decided to opt for the cute one.

The older brown-haired man pouts a bit. "At least I'm not the one who's always going to be babied, okay? At least Jungkook-ssi looks the part."

"Tae, what the fuck?" Namjoon wheezes out, looking like he's dying as he laughs.

The journalist is flushing a furious shade of scarlet as they continue to laugh, but at least one of them seems open to him being a part of the family. Taehyung? Was that his name?

Several moments later, the laughter dies out and he starts to engage himself in the conversation more. The head of the Kim family raises a glass of champagne and they all follow suit.

"To our newest addition to the family, Jungkook."

His smile is warm and fond as Jungkook looks at him with wide eyes. "Welcome to the family, namdongsaeng."


Jimin feels two hands hit the back of his head consecutively and a chorus of 'Jiminie Pabo' from the two women. He's whimpering as he massages the abused spot but the girls seem unrepentant.


The older girl hits the back of his head again as if to make her statement loud and clear. "You could've died, Chim! Have you any idea how much Min was ready to kill you had Hoseok not intervened?!"

"I was worried about Jeon, okay?!"

This time it was Lisa who hit him, (thankfully) on the arm this time. "Have some faith in Jisoo-unnie, would you?"

From the corner of his eye, Jimin noticed the other girl become silent and blank-faced at the name. He'll just ask her why later because the younger girl keeps on pinching his arm to get his attention. Okay, attempting to follow Jisoo and Jungkook in the restaurant was an admittedly stupid idea but his worry was even greater than his fear for his own safety hence the brief car chase by Min's goons.

Silence fell over them as they calmed down and since Jisoo implanted a device to signal if something wrong was happening, and the alarm hasn't gone off so far, then it means that they were still okay somewhat. Maybe.

The case had been dropped at the force because some rumors were circulating that the superior was bribed, refused to take it and was given a death threat. Jennie still took the case with her, hoping to solve it because it definitely raised suspicions on why it was dropped and Jimin hoped to make an article about it after it was solved. So far, both of them have been fine but Min hadn't been forgotten after their last encounter, sending them a few little threats here and there that made his presence known.

It's not that long before they know the truth, it's a fact that they knew all too much. But would they live long enough to know?


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