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It was too early in the morning for this shit, the black-haired man groaned internally. Hoseok hated being the bearer of bad news but he needed to tell the siblings all of the rumours and announcement faster than anyone.

"They've heard that she's come back."

Seokjin's jaw clenched at the sentence. If there was one thing the board loved to do, it was making drama, in the form of their newly arrived sister. The board was the group that was supposed to guide them after the death of their parents, but they were all greedy and manipulative assholes who tried all they could to cloud the judgement of the Kims.

"They sent the three of you an invitation to the party tonight." The black-haired man said and then he said in a softer voice. "Min was also mentioned in the guest list."

"This spells disaster, hyung." The youngest of the three Kims remarked dryly. "What do you think the board is planning this time?"

Seokjin pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "The usual, Tae, chaos and bullshit. We'll just have Jisoo briefed up and ready, we won't leave her side and she'll just have to be civil with Yoongi."

Taehyung and Hoseok shared a glance of bewilderment. Why wasn't he making such a big fuss about it considering it was Jisoo's first time to meet the board officially as the only daughter?

"What time is it, by the way?" The eldest asked casually, noting that it was 8 a.m. before turning to his brother. "Dongsaeng, go wake up your noona. We'll talk after breakfast with her."

After the brown-haired boy left in a rather confused daze, Hoseok looked at him quizzically before he sighed.

"Jisoo's a smart girl; it's no use hiding anything because she's stubborn. And have you read novels? They almost always end badly because we try to shelter them." Seokjin snorted before leaning into his leather chair. "Bullshit."


"Do I have a say in this?" Jisoo asked while she played with her food, looking up at her younger brother who smiled and cheerfully responded with a 'No.'

It was her first day back and she wants nothing more than to snuggle in her bed and eat chicken but when Taehyung told her it was the board, she immediately knew there wasn't any choice left for her but to agree. Judging by the way he said it, Jisoo knew there was something foul going on but decided not to press him.

"And there's our only Princess!"

The nickname brought a smile to the brunette's face when she spotted Hoseok come in with a large box and a black bag, which she knew contained a dress for the party tonight.

"Good morning to you too, oppa." She greeted warmly while putting her plate in the sink and walking towards the man with her younger brother following closely behind.

"Well," Hoseok looked pointedly at the stuff he was holding. "These are all for you, Jichu. Maybe the dress isn't really your style but it still looks beautiful."

She nodded before speaking. "Can you put it in my room please?"

"Don't you want to look at it first, noona?" Taehyung butted in "I'm sure Hobi-hyung spent a lot of time trying to pick the perfect dress for you."

The older man flushed a bit, which made Jisoo chuckle. "Alright then, I suppose I should look at it and see if it fits." She took the bag and went to the bathroom to change.

Taehyung lost his smile as soon as she was out of sight. "What did hyung say?"

Hoseok grimaced a bit. "Something about wanting to put a hit on one of the board members to teach them a lesson, keeping Min and Jisoo away from each other and another threat from the media and the League."

The younger man scowls at this. He grew up seeing his older brother constantly being judged and belittled, his sister moments from being crushed by the expectations placed upon her and the loss of almost everything he's ever loved. All he has is Seokjin and Jisoo, and he swears to God that it will take more than death or hell to seperate them again, not after those 2 torturous years.

"You know," the older man seems to be cautious about what he's about to say. This piques Taehyung's interest, so he gesture for him to continue. "I think it's about time Jisoo and Yoongi see each other again."

Before the younger could even open his mouth, Hoseok raised a hand to halt him. "He's not in the country yet but last I've seen of him, he still wasn't willing to let go of that relationship."

"I know." Taehyung says softly. "I always did look up to Yoongi-hyung back then, you know? Even when he was the reason why Jisoo noona was crying, I still held respect for him. If there was one thing I could do for her, it would be to get them both some closure."

It's been 2 years but they're still reluctant to talk about the beautiful relationship that crashed and burned because it affected them too.

The brunette arrives in {look above} a short black dress that reached mid-thigh, a sweetheart bodice that hugged her figure, thin see-through lace with no sleeves and a rather puffy skirt. She seems to look pleased with the dress, and smiles brightly at them both as she came to their view.

"Ji-noona, Yoongi hyung might be there tonight."

The smile falls.

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