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He's quick to place her hand on his arm as he swiftly moves them from the reception area and to their room. When they're safely inside the private room he's reserved for dinner, Jisoo lets go of his arm. "What the hell was that?"

He's been anticipating this and merely looks over his shoulder. "The board has plenty of spies, Jisoo. They still want to set you up with that Park, and we've devised a plan for it not to continue."

Her jaw drops when she sees him open a velvety box from his pocket and an all too familiar ring nestled inside it. It was the Kim ring, and why he has that, she hasn't a clue.

"When we get back to Korea, Seokjin-hyung will have an engagement party for us. Yes, we plan on you faking an engagement to me. The cowards would back off if they knew I was the one you're 'marrying'." These words have run through his head countless times but why does it feel so alien coming from his lips?

Jisoo pursed her lips and stared at him. Of course they'd be planning ahead; she didn't want to marry a stranger whose loyalty was not with her family but were they desperate enough to engage her to an ex who she's not that amicable with?

He doesn't wait for her reply, instead he grabs her left hand and puts it on her ring finger as she watches, dumbfounded by it all. He doesn't let go of her hand too, but leads her to the table, makes her sit down first before taking his seat across her's. That's when Jisoo noticed the papers in front of her, all related to wedding planning.

"Close your mouth." Yoongi says a bit sternly and she complies. "The chicken's on the way."

2 years ago, she daydreamed about marrying him one day and having big houses, big cars and big rings [I'm sorry, I had to] and they'd fill the large spaces with many children. They already agreed on naming their first daughter Min Yoonji. But she never though that when he proposed she wouldn't have the choice of yes or no or be stuck in an uncomfortable silence. She supposes she has a fault in that too.

"I have a feeling hyung would want to wear your dress after you." She looks up to see him say that with the corners of his lips curved upwards.

"Are you calling my oppa gay?" Jisoo asked, though both knew they were joking.

He smirked. "We all know Seokjin-hyung isn't gay; he's just fabulous."

It's a bit lighter now, and she finds herself browsing the books and even Yoongi takes one, albeit it being the book for cakes and food. This isn't how they both expected them to get engaged, but for some reason, Jisoo hopes that they'll be okay.


"It was the right thing to do." Seokjin says somberly as he, Rosé, Taehyung and Namjoon are sitting on the same table. "If she stays with him, she'll be safer. Especially now that GX are trying to target us."

"Why did they?" Taehyung asked. They weren't afraid of telling their plans to the secretary since they trusted her and she could be dead in a blink if she as so much opened her mouth to share any vital information.

Namjoon massaged his temples as if suffering from a headache. "Ms. Hwang, I mean Mrs. Tiffany Jung was rushed to the hospital earlier because of her car being ambushed. Jessica-noona is furious but she doesn't believe it's us."

The strawberry blonde tapped on Taehyung's arm lightly and all eyes were on her.

"Are they really getting married?"

Seokjin smiles at her, a little knowingly. "It's up to them, Chaeyoung-ssi. Though you don't need to worry for Jisoo."

"You haven't meet Yoongi, have you?" Namjoon asked the girl. She meekly shakes her head in reply, only knowing that it was something Jisoo didn't want to talk about.

The vibration of Taehyung's phone alerted everyone, and he was quick to apologize while checking what it was. He swore under his breath before saying that he was going to kill Hoseok. Nobody but Rosé was worried; he'd never be able to hurt one of his favorite hyungs even on accident.

"How does take out sound?" Seokjin blurted out, hungry and trying to change the conversation.

Namjoon and Chaeyoung were quick to agree. They did need some normalcy even in their eventful lives.

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