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Gunshots were whizzing over their heads but if they wasted even a second, the bullets would be in their heads. Rosé faintly recalls that this was not part of the job description as she follows behind Jisoo and the short-haired brunette.

"Sorry for the uninvited guests, Jisoo-ssi, Chaeyoung-ssi." Seohyun smiled apologetically as she shot their behind again. The youngest of the three didn't even dare look back.

"I'm sorry, Chae," Jisoo apologized quietly as they quickly went into a hidden passage in the mansion. "This wasn't supposed to happen."

They saw the brunette speaking into an earpiece, asking who was the attackers and if they were gone. Visibly relaxing, Seohyun quickly muttered something into the device before turning to them.

"I'm afraid this transaction has to be taken in another place at some other time." Smiling courteously like the host she was, the brunette continued. "I'd be happy to escort you back to your residence to ensure your safety."

"Thank you for the offer," Jisoo returned the smile. "Though we can take it from here. I hope to see you soon again, Seohyun-ssi."

The red-haired girl was the first to turn her heel but Rosé stopped when she saw the hesitation on Seohyun's face, as if debating with herself to continue what she was about to say.

"Jisoo-ssi," she called. "Is... Is Jessica-unnie okay?"

The strawberry blonde saw Jisoo quickly smile reassuringly at the older woman and nod. "Sooyeon-unnie is doing fine. I'll tell her to call you when we see each other again."

This seemed to be enough for Seohyun who just nodded and watched them leave. She counted 10 seconds after she was sure they left before whispering something in her ear piece.

"They're not going to leave unscatched after they did to her, understand?"


"On a scale of Namjoon cutting onions to him solving a math problem, how are you doing right now, Tae?"

Hoseok was chuckling to himself when he saw that the younger boy lay his head face down on the desk in front of him while groaning as if he was in physical pain. The older boy was sure he wasn't and was just exagerrating but it was amusing, nonetheless.

"Hyung dancing." Came the muffled reply. The older man bit his lower lip to contain the laughter but Taehyung stopped him. "Go on, let it out of your system."

Hoseok erupted in loud howls of laughter and even slapped his own thigh, knowing how awful Namjoon's dancing was. Even if the blond was here and superior in rank, he'd just be quiet and accept the shame. Well, dancing had never been one of the Kims' fortes anyways, and Taehyung was the best one in the family.

The brown-haired boy frowned when he didn't stop laughing, tapping the pen on the wooden desk. "You done yet?"

The black-haired man stopped and looked at him briefly before bursting into laughter once more. Taehyung gave him a couple of seconds and waited for it to die out before looking at the damned paperwork in front of him. He was rarely handling the papers; Seokjin was better at it than he was.

"Hey, have you seen Jisoo recently?" Hoseok asked after he went near the man and looked at the documents he was signing.

"No. But she's been busy, I know."

The older man pursed his lips, thinking whether he should say it before deciding not to. It was Jisoo's turn to call the shoots anyway, and who knows what could happen if he told them first?

"Hobi-hyung," there's an odd tone to the younger's voice. "Think you can get me some food? I'm a bit hungry."

Before Hoseok could nod and leave, Rosé slammed the door open and shook her head as if to clear her thoughts.

"We have to go. Now."


"Could you stop lecturing me?" Yoongi snapped a bit, looking straight into her cold eyes. She looked blankly at him before sighing.

"Look, Yoongi, that's no way to talk to your noona." The brunette said before continuing. "Besides, CL would kill me if she found out I lectured one of her best recruits to death."

Jessica Jung was Hoseok's older step-sister and thus, was fairly acquainted with the platinum-blond man. She had quit from GX alongside 3 other male members to start her fashion line and an independent writing business where Jungkook, Jimin and Lisa just recently joined. Before Yoongi could fire anything back, Jessica reverted her eyes to Namjoon.

"You're in deep shit." She spoke in English, blunt and curt. Sometimes, Namjoon really thinks she's related to Yoongi, not Hoseok. "I'm not saying GX was the one who attacked your men. That's so unlike them; unless," a sharp look at both of them. "You provoked them."

"How could we when we all thought you dissolved the group?" Namjoon retorted.

Pain flashed in the woman's eyes and features at the response, but she only scowled. Nobody could ever bring up what led to her leaving the group without reopening wounds.

Namjoon realized that he may have gone below the belt and apologized. Jessica was quick to change the subject which they all agreed to.

"As for the trio you've been keeping an eye on," she spoke in a casual manner, discarding the documents she was holding just a few moments prior. "I don't see any threat from them; just don't pique their interest because I know that Park Jimin is really persevering, Manoban Lisa is stubborn and Jeon Jungkook would do anything they tell him to."

"What if it really was GX who killed their men then?" Yoongi blurted out, still thinking.

The woman only sighed, and knew that it wasn't a very far-fetched idea. It's just that she used to be part of that family, but it seems like a lot changed after all the chaotic leave of some members.

"I'm afraid you'd have to talk to your friend, 7."

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