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{3 years ago}

Beep, beep, beep

The ringing of her phone had woken her up at 1:34 in the morning, causing a very drowsy and slightly annoyed Kim Jisoo. But all of that went away when she saw the caller ID: Sugar. She quickly accepted the call and sat up, yawning.

"What dimension is this for you to be awake at this hour, Sugar?"

A low chuckle that she loved responded on the other side of the call. "Why Sugar anyway?"

A smile found it's way on her face as she stood up and started to brush her hair. "Didn't you call me an energetic weirdo/freak once?"

"And what does that have to do with Sugar?" Yoongi asked amusedly.

"Ever heard of a sugar rush? Well, you're my sugar rush. You're the reason why I'm so energetic and bubbly."

He chuckled again, the reason making him feel warm. "Sap."

The brunette looked at the clock and then at the bed, which looked very tempting to her and her limbs were crying out for her to just pass out on the soft duvet. "So why'd the Genius Min Yoongi call me this early in the morning?"

"I've been waiting by your window for half an hour now, just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to McDonalds."

It took 5 seconds for her to digest the fact that her boyfriend was on the roof before she could squeek out a high-pitched 'Yoongi!' and open the window quickly. Sure enough, the blond was sitting there with a gummy smile at the sight of his girlfriend.

"Get in here! You could fall!"

He smiled cheekily while doing so. "Didn't I already fall for you?"

Jisoo pouted at this before looking for any sign of injury on him. Yoongi did love the fact that his girlfriend was always this caring and concerned about him, and so he pecked her lips and grabbed her hand.

"So about McDonalds..."

She finally relaxed and giggled. "Seokjin-oppa is going to kill you if he finds that we snuck out."

Her boyfriend nods and remembers how scary the older Kim could get before agreeing to her point. "Some other time then, but I really am hungry, jagiya."

Jisoo smiles while she starts pulling him along. "I'm sure there's some leftovers in the fridge, oppa. Let's go."

On their way to the kitchen, it starts to rain and in the back of Jisoo's head is a small voice pestering her to ask Yoongi how on earth he managed to end up on the roof of the three storey building but it's too much work for her drowsy body.

They managed to find a half-eaten chocolate cake, Spaghetti carbonara and some garlic bread which they decided to preheat before eating. Nobody would've been surprised to see someone stalking by the fridge in the middle of the night because Seokjin was usually the one wolfing down the food when no one was looking.

"Hey, oppa," Jisoo called softly but loud enough to get his attention.


"Have you ever made any songs about the rain or something around those lines?"

Another gummy smile and she feels like she's won the greatest prize. She knows he loves his music and he knows her love for acting and writing. But the sad thing was, he was the only one brave enough to pursue his dreams.

"I'll send you the audio tomorrow." He says happily. "You don't mind lending your voice to me again, won't you?"

Yoongi always did hold the belief that Jisoo had a beautiful voice, considering all the Kims had rich voices, deep, sweet and just something you could drown in, but the girl would only smile and shake her head. It was one of the few things that led them to get together though.

"How could I ever say no to my sugar?"

Their eyes met and if anyone was watching them now, they would've clearly seen the love in their eyes for each other, the gaze that made it known that they were the only things they saw.

The black-haired girl pushed her chair back and walked to Yoongi, extending a hand. "Dance with me, oppa?"

Now, rapping and singing were both rather strong points for the duo but their dancing would've 'risked world peace' by the words of Taehyung. Of course Yoongi was hesitant to do so but her pout was irresistable. Then again, he was getting comfy on the chair.

"What music will we dance to then?" That was a lame excuse to not do it but Jisoo cheekily replied.

"The raindrops and our heartbeats."

His grin grew wider at her response as he stood up and pulled her close to his chest, wrapping his arms around her waist while she wrapped her arms around his. They simply swayed around in comfortable silence in each other's warmth, the food long forgotten.

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