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[Just wanted to emphasis why they're called the 'Inkigayo couple' or 'Hit the Thigh couple']

Jisoo hadn't been this nervous in ages, and the last she's ever remembered being this way was when she accidentally made her ex mad by some insensitive remarks on her part. The ring is on her finger but her 'fiancé' is nowhere in sight.

A hand on her shoulder makes her jolt and it turns out to be Hoseok who laughs at her reaction. "Chill, Soo. Just wanted to check on you."

"Mianhae, oppa." She replies quickly, looking around the room full of people. "I'm doing fine."

His smile dies a bit as he hands her a glass, following her gaze and realizing she was looking for either Yoongi or the 7. "You don't look that way. Chaeyoung was too apprehensive to ask you herself so here is moi to ask you."

She cutely scrunches up her nose as she shakes her head, making both of them chuckle.

"No French?"

"Stick to Despacito."

The man chuckles again, glad that she's a bit chipper than earlier and that she's throwing jokes at him again. Hoseok stands by her side for a couple of moments, glancing around and sees 2 pairs of cold eyes straight at him. By the intensity of the gazes, he's surprised there aren't any holes in him yet.

A little concerned that one of her more bubbly oppas turned quiet, she placed a hand on his arm. "Are you okay, Hobi?"

The black-haired man is already nodding without even trying to register her words and smiles a bit gingerly before excusing himself. He passes by his step-sister who walks towards Jisoo with a friendly smile on her face.

"Jin does have reason to brag about your family genes." She chuckled while extending a hand to shake. "How was Santorinni, Jisoo?"

The younger girl accepts the handshake with a smile of her own. "Very beautiful, though no place can ever compare our home."

The red-haired girl looks around, now remembering Jessica's wife but stops when she remembers said woman got into an accident.

"How is Tiffany-unnie?"

She can recall a time when she had the same gleam in the older girl's eyes. The same look she had everytime she looked at him and it made her heart ache remembering it.

"Stephanie's doing alright now. She's at home resting with baby Miyeon." The Jung-Hwang couple adopted a baby girl a year after they got married. "Thank you for being concerned."

There's a playful smirk on Jessica's face as she leans to whisper something in her ear.

"Congratulations on the fiancé, dongsaeng. I hope he treats you well."

And with that, she turned her heel and walked away to presumably converse with other familiar faces in the crowd. She could recognize Namjoon's best friend Jackson, Jinyoung at the table with the other 7, Nayeon chatting with other girls, her five bodyguards who she's affectionately called BgA and---

She squints; should she be getting glasses or is Lizkook, Jimin and another girl staring at her? Not to belittle them, but why were they of all people at this party?


Rosé repeatedly apologizes for startling the girl and gaining the attention of nearby attendees but she's assured that all is good. The strawberry-blonde looks pointedly at the large ornate clock at the large entrance doors and Jisoo realizes it's almost time for the announcement.

"Now where is that little short platinum blond?" Jisoo remarks quietly, scanning the room for her fiancé.

"Says the one who's wearing 4 inch heels."

The younger girl walks away and finds herself talking to the group of 4 while the Kim turns and sees Yoongi looking at her heels distastefully. He offers his arm to her and she takes it, now aware of the several eyes that were pinned on them.

The sight of the ring on her finger makes him smile ever so slightly as he leads her towards her brothers to their table. Seokjin smiles at them easily and proceeds to the center of the room to start the announcement. He then proceeds to smile an eat-shitting grin when the members of 7 realize what's happening, and even Taehyung and Namjoon join him. It's a good thing they have photographers everywhere, they've probably immortalized those priceless reactions by now.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My family and I do not usually host parties that seemingly seem out of the blue, but this occasion just had to be remembered and celebrated." The smile at first may have been fake but everyone swears that it's true when he looks at Jisoo with a soft smile, as if trying to memorize this particular situation.

"As an older brother, it's hard to see them grow up and have their own lives when you were just bullying them yesterday. It was even harder for us when our only sister went abroad to finish her studies. But I think the hardest that I'll ever have done for her sake is letting her go to be married."

The chorus of stunned silence and gasps quickly turned into the crowd clapping as he beckons them to go near him.

"And the lucky man who gets to marry my goddess of a sister, is my good friend Min Yoongi." Then his gaze turns sharp, a look that they've both understood the first time she ever brought him to dinner.

The platinum blonde holds the microphone and moves a bit, hitting her thigh accidentally. His smile turns nervous for a fraction of a second and she's startled but continues to smile encouragingly at him as if everything would be alright. His hand is on the small of her back as he looks at her before speaking.

"We've been dating since college and until now, I still can't believe that this beautiful but wild alien agreed to marry me."

'WHY THE FUCK YOU LYING BOI?' is the loudest thought in her head but she keeps smiling at him and then looks at the faces in the crowd.

"I promised her parents and brothers that I would take care of her and I intend to keep my word. She's more than she looks, and that's one thing that drew me in."

Their eyes meet and for the first time in years, they understand each other. They can talk about the heartbreaks later, they need to give a show first and that's what they do when he hands her the mic.

"Min Jisoo?" The red-haired girl says, tasting the name on her lips. She smiles warmly at him and raises her left hand for all to see the ring. "I'll try to get used to it but I've been a Kim all my life, so sorry in advance." Chuckling a bit, she continued. "We're still planning the wedding, nothing too extravagant though we're still discussing the details. What's marriage when you love each other unconditionally?"

There will be reports about this topic, negative and positive comments but she doesn't care. She'll just laugh her ass off at the comments but she wants to tell him all the things she should've before he left.

"Wherever he goes, I go. Maybe we'll fight and get sick of each other, but we'll always come back because love does that. If I can't stay," her eyes look into his as if to cement her point even more. "I'll always go back to you."

Jisoo intertwines their fingers when they hold hands after she hands the mic to her brother. He has no doubt they'll reconcile because even after all the heartbreak, they look at each other like they mean the world to them. They're about to return to the table when a bomb goes off near Taehyung and Namjoon and the whole party goes to shit.

"Let's play?"


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