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{3 years ago}

This had been their first serious fight.

Jisoo herself didn't remember the cause of it but she remembered the slap that she had given her boyfriend, him cussing (but not at her) and the tears blurring her eyesight as she left his place. Seokjin knew this was the worst and tried to cheer her up but she locked herself in her room.

It's been three days since then, and they haven't had any communication. Taehyung was observant enough to know not to ask about his hyung when Jisoo's eyes were always that puffy and irritated.

"Go out and take a walk." Seokjin told her after she got out of the shower. Jisoo tried to ignore him but he already prepared her clothes and locked her room, which didn't give her a choice but to do so.


She's sitting at a bench with a cup of almost finished hot chocolate in her petite fingers, watching people walking by. Jisoo realizes that this is what Seokjin wanted her to see, and she finds herself preoccupied with just looking and thinking.

It's been 2 hours since she's left the house and she knows that there's at least 6 missed calls from her younger brother but she doesn't want to ruin the silence and serenity.

The adorable sound of barking caught her attention and made the brunette crane her neck to the direction of the sound.

Jisoo knows that her heart should've dropped but why did it feel so warm looking at the man who she's just fought with? Who could ever stay mad at the man with the gummy smile, petting a stray dog that was eating from his hand?

She wants to go to him but she's too afraid of confrontation. Jisoo didn't think twice before grabbing her stuff and walking briskly towards the direction of her house.

Then she hears the sound of quickly approaching footsteps and she's seconds away from breaking into a run while cussing.

"Goddamit." Familiar arms wrap themselves around her torso and he nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck.

"Soo, let's talk."

Didn't Yoongi know how much she just wanted to apologize and break down in his arms? All the words were running through her mind but her throat is parched and she's forgotten how to speak.

Her voice sounds weak and he feels slight fury that she didn't take care of herself and it was his fault. "Yoongi-ah."

"I'm sorry, I don't remember what the fuck we fought about but I can't stand not being around you anymore."

Jisoo thought her tear ducts were already incapable of producing tears but a new batch were threatening to fall at his sincere words. The way her shoulders shook made Yoongi anxious, thinking of things he could do to stop it, but before he could, she turned around and hugged him as if her life depended on it.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." She kept repeating those three words over and over again as she tried to hold him closer. His lips curve in a slight smile at knowing that they're reconciling, and he returns the gesture.

She looks up at him and there's nothing but love and happiness in her eyes even as the tears kept falling. "I love you, oppa." Jisoo chuckled while sobbing.

Yoongi ruffled her hair and gave her a peck on the lips. "I love you too, Jisoo."

From the corner of his vision, he can see Kim Seokjin with an approving smile. He widens his own as a courtesy while watching her brother walk away from the park.

"Let's go for dinner; I missed you." She says with a smile on her face.

"Let's go when you don't look like a bawling baby."

She doesn't even have the urge to hit him playfully like she'd usually do, just hold unto him tighter (if that was possible) and let him guide them out of the park.

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