10. drops of jupiter

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*Luna's POV*

I began to take it all in. Everything surrounding was a blur, so much was happening at once. I watched as people began filling into the smoky, crowded bar. I could feel the loud music pumping along with the beating of my heart. I watched as people made conversation at the tables over beer and some small food dish. The filled room suddenly made me feel claustrophobic and I was thankful when Savanna pulled me over to the bar to grab a drink. I didn't think I could handle this atmosphere without some kind of buzz.

"What's wrong with you? You look kind of flushed." I nodded my head and took a sip of whatever drink she had gotten me. I had never been good with crowds anyways but it was weird for me to be here listening to the boys' band, intentionally. I was excited to see them, but it's all a little weird for me. I was supposed to be there for them at every show, whenever they were going to get to play an actual show. I just feel guilty and dissapointed in myself for ever leaving in the first place. I wonder what my life would be like now if I hadn't left.

"I think I'm just a bit overwhelmed, I'll be alright." She nodded and squeezed my arm, giving me a small smile before heading over to the small but growing crowd waiting in front of the stage. The boys had asked us last night at their apartment if we'd want to come their show tonight. We, of course, agreed and were thrilled to get to see them preform. I saw them play a couple weeks ago, but of course I wasn't in the right state of mind to be prepared to see the boys.

Suddenly, I heard some clapping coming from the crowd so I decided to head over to where Savanna was standing to wait for them. They began to get in their places and I was suprised to realize how grown up they actually looked. Of course, we had all gotten older but they really did look older. They looked more mature, like men.

"Hi guys! We're Five Seconds of Summer! How are you guys doing tonight?" Michael asked in his cute, deep voice as he put his guitar strap around his neck. People in the small crowd began to cheer, bringing more people to come and watch. I smiled, knowing that these boys that I grew up with were actually doing something with their lives and their talent. I wanted nothing but greatness for them.

They opened by playing their original song called 'Try Hard'. I loved it, it was a really good tune. Before the song was over, Savanna and I were jumping up and down singing along to a song we had never even heard before. It seemed as though the rest of the bar loved it too. Then they began singing the song 'Unpredictable' which reminded me of one of the summer nights we had always shared together. Once that was over, they took a small break. I'm pretty sure I heard Calum say he had to pee so that was probably why.

"And we're back, sorry about the short intermission. We're going to slow it down just a tiny bit for this one. Don't hate us, it's really good song." Luke announced into the microphone, and held onto with his giant hands. I thought I saw them shake a little bit but it was probably just the alcohol kicking into my system. He released the microphone and got ready to play his guitar.

"Now that she's back in the atmosphere with drops of jupiter in her hair. She acts like summer and walks like rain, reminds me that there's time to change." Luke's deep voice echoed throughout the bar and it seemed as though everything around me stopped. What had once been an overwhelming bar changed; I felt as though everyone around me was moving in slow motion. My thoughts seem to freeze as well as my breathing because my chest began to hurt. I focused in on his bright blue eyes and they looked up from his guitar and looked straight into mine. I couldn't look away. I didn't want to look away. The instruments sounded like back up instruments compared to the sound of my own heart and suddenly I began to remember the exact day, second, moment, that I had heard this song.


"You're a horrible driver, who let you have your license?" Luke was swerving all over the road, probably because he was busy trying to find a radio station. I finally swatted his hand when we got way to close to a mail box.

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