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Friday, June 24th 2016, 8.47 pm, Pickering
Claire's pov

I'm home alone. Sitting in my room with my door closed and doing some homework.
I'm bored, don't have the motivation to finish the homework. So I text Shawn to go out on an adventure.

message from claire:
hey Shawn, adventure time?

A few seconds later he answered.

message from shawn:
finally! I've been waiting 4 this.
When can u be ready?

A smile spreads on my face.
I don't know what we can do.

message from claire:
I don't know, I have to think what we
can do first

I put my phone away and lay down on my bed.

Dear Diary,
Me and Shawn will go out on an adventure, but, I'm out of ideas. Right now I just want to sit under a tree, under the stars and watch them together with him, just laying there.
I need help...

message from claire:
Bring the bike, be here at 8.55

I head downstairs and put my hair into a messy bun.
I have a pair of black sweaters and a dark grey tank top on.
I put my converse on and go out to wait for Shawn.

8.55 am

He's here, biking up on my yard.

"Hi bestie!" he says happily when he sees me. He gets off the bike and walks up to me, gives me one of his hugs, that I wish is more than a friend hug.

"Ready?" I ask him and a big and bright smile spreads on his face as he nods.
We get up on our bikes and bike left, away from my house, away from his house, away from the town.
"Where are we going?" he asks as we bike downhill.

"Where the wind takes us" I say and let the pedals go free.

9.26 am

It's cloudless, the moon and the stars light the streets without lampposts.
I bike into a small path and bike for another five minutes until I stop.
We've reached a glade.
It's like a circle surrounded by trees and in the middle it's flowers and high grass.
I lean my bike against a tree and Shawn does the same.

"It's really beautiful here" he says in a breath. I nod.
I go to the middle of the glade and sit down. I lean backwards and place my hands on the ground, so I halfway lay down, and watch the stars.
Shawn lays down next to me, lays his hands over his ribs.
I look over at him, see what I call 'the love of my life'.

What did you say Diary? That I should tell him? I know, I know... I didn't do it and it's stupid... sorry

He looks up at me and smiles. I smile back and try to hide the pain. He looks up at the stars again but pushes me down in the grass with his arm and chuckles.

"You dork" I say and chuckle too.
Everything is quiet. The only thing we hear is each other's breathing.

"What are you going to do after you graduate?" Shawn asks.

"I don't know" I lie, keep my gaze on the stars.

"Oh, okay" he says sadly.

"And you?" I ask him.

"Just keep with the music, I guess" he says and chuckles easily.

"Nice" I say. "Have you asked Lauren yet?" I add and look over to him, meet his gaze as he looks right into my eyes.

"Actually no... I got a little sad a few days ago but, well, I'll ask her" he says with a sad face and looks up again.
"Why were you sad?" I ask him without moving my gaze from him. He's so beautiful. 

I should've told him right? Yeah, well, my bad ... too shy, I'm throwing away my chances, I know..

"Oh, that, it was nothing" he says fast.

"I'm your best friend, you can tell me everything" I say, quoting him earlier this week.

"I know, but you ain't telling me everything" he says and looks at me again.

I know, I'm having my chance now, I should take it, right?

"I-I..." I start but get nervous and turn my head to the other side.

"'I' what?" he asks.

Right now? I know, Diary..

"Nah, it's nothing.." I say and he sighs.

"It's nice to be here, with you" he says and my heart gets warm.

"Yeah, I feel the same" I say and close my eyes, imagine what I can do instead of just laying here and looking up at the sky. I'm too shy and a coward.

We lay in the grass for around more 30 minutes. We don't talk that much, it's a pretty awkward silence between us since the little chat about prom and that.

"Should we go home?" I ask, start to get bored and feel how my heart can't stand to be that close to him without knowing.

I should do something about it, right..

"Sure" he says and helps me up.
We go to our bikes and bike home. It takes awhile. We don't talk that much and we bike really slow.

10.24 pm

I arrive at home with Shawn.

"Well, thanks for that you followed me even though we didn't really do anything" I say as I get off my bike.

"No problem, anything for you" he says and a bright smile spreads over my face. "Goodnight bestie" he says and bikes home. I wave at him, even though I know he won't see it, then go inside.

I go to the kitchen for a snack and turn the light on.

"Oh my god! What are you doing?" I shout whisper to my brother that stands in pajamas pants with the refrigerator door open and drinks milk, in the dark.

"I was thirsty" he says and put back the milk and closes the refrigerator.

"In the dark?" I ask and he nods. "On a Friday night?" I add and he nods again.
"You're 19 and sitting home at a Friday night instead of going out and party" I say and again, he nods.

"You're 18, sneaks out with your best friend, aka crush, instead of go out and party. I think we have something in common, sis" he says and smiles. I chuckle and go to search for some food.

"I guess so" I say, searching in the cubicles.
He rests his torso against the refrigerator and watches me.

"You wanna see a movie together when you've found something?" he asks. I nod and turn my head to him.

"I would love to" I say and go back to search in every cubicle.
Matthew goes to his room and I pick out some chips, cookies and popcorn. I get some soda for both of us and water, then go to his room.

"I'll just change, wait for me! And don't touch the snacks!!" I says before I run upstairs to my room.

I put on a white tank top and red flannel pajamas pants as I redo my messy bun, then I run downstairs to Matthew's room again.

"Which movie should we see?" he asks when I open the door.

"The fault in our stars" I say and sit down on his bed.

"Oh my god Claire, not again" he says and sighs.

"Come ooon, please please pleeeease" I say and put my hands together as I beg him and pout. He shakes his head and looks up at the TV screen.

After ten minutes of trying to convince my brother, I get to see my favorite movie, then, halfway through it, I fall asleep.

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