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Friday, July 1st 2016, 6.05 am, Pickering
Claire's pov

It's time.
I wake up by the alarm with a smile on my face. I sit up on my bed and look over my cleaned room with the suitcase in the corner. I change to a pair of black tights, a grey tee shirt, an oversized denim jacket and a white cap on that with my hair in a low bun. I eat breakfast quickly with my other family members, they are going to drive me to the airport.

"Everyone ready?" mom asks from the hall. I go to the hall with my bags.
I put on my white Nike sneakers and go out to the car. I put the bags in the trunk and wait outside the car for the others.
As I stand next to the car I look up at Shawn's house. I see him, messy hair, grey sweatpants and a white tee, standing on the porch with a white cup in his hands looking at me. We get eye contact and he slowly raises one of his hands without any facial expressions. I just look at him and feel how my eyes burn, then get inside the car.

Matthew sit next to me in the backseat as my dad drives and mom sits in the passenger seat. Dad pulls out on the street. We drive by Shawn's house. Everything is blurry and in slow motion. Shawn stands there and follows me with his gaze. His face is emotionless, nothing shows in his eyes, he just looks at me. Slowly he turns around and go inside. I lay back on the seat and hold in the tears that burn in my eyes.

I just saw the one I love most of everything disappear, and it's no way back.

I force myself to fall asleep, and wake up by Matthew shaking my shoulder to wake me up.

"We're here" he says and I open my eyes. Fast I get out the car and grab my bags. Together with my family we go inside the airport. I leave my bags, except my handbag, then we sit down and take something to eat.
I order coffee at Starbucks and sit down at a table with my family. I sip some coffee and pick up my phone, search for Ava in the contacts and call her.

"Hey" she yawns.

"Sorry I woke you up" I say and take another sip.

"No problem, are you at the airport?" she asks.

"Yeah, we just arrived, drinking coffee right now" I reply.

"Great, how.. how are you feeling?" she asks slowly.

"I don't know Ava, I saw him disappearing, it hurts" I sigh and turn around, away from my family.

"I see" she sighs. "Maybe, it'll get better" she adds and I nod slowly for myself.

"Yeah" I say as my voice choke. "I don't think I can talk about it right now" I add.

"You don't have to, call me later, spend time with your family as long as you can" she says.

"Yeah, thank you Ava, talk to you later" I say and she hangs up as I have my phone pressed against my ear. I sigh and put on a smile as I turn around to my family.
We sit around the black airport table and chat about everything and nothing. Right now, I just want to board the plane and fly to my new home.

"What will you do in Greece?" my brother asks and looks at me as I shrug.

"I don't know. Get tan, swim.. I don't know" I reply and a small smile spreads over his lips as his eyes shows the pain he tries to hide.
Our parents have gone to buy some more coffee and some cookies.
In my try to make Matthew forget about things I see a girl walking a few steps behind him. She was about my height, has long curled blonde hair, a white tee shirt, beige sweatpants, white Nike shoes, an Adidas hoodie knitted around her waist and a black handbag on her arm. I point at her and Matthew turns around in his chair. As he looks at her she looks over at us. She smiles, a bright and big smile as she saw us. I wave at her and she changes her direction and comes up to us.

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