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Friday, July 1st 2016, 3.27 am, Athens
Claire's pov

It's only ten minutes left until we will land in Greece. Me and Everleigh start packing down the things we have used during the flight and flight attendants come with trash carriages for the passengers to throw their trash in. It's the middle of the night in Greece, more likely 2.43 am and I have promised Shawn that I will give him a call him, and I need to keep my promise.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelt, we're soon landing in Athens, Greece" the captain says and both of me and Everleigh happily squeak at the words 'Athens' and 'Greece'. "I hope you had a good flight with Air Canada Rouge, this is your captain speaking, have a good night" the captain ends.

It's time, it's only a few minutes left, this is crazy. I look out of the window on my left, I can't see much, it's black. I see lights coming closer and realize it is the runway. It comes closer and closer and soon we start to slow down. The whole plane is shaking by the brakes and soon we touch the ground. As fast as we get down we almost stop, it is amazing.
Everyone start clapping hands and shouting, while I'm completely speechless and just look out of the window.

Me and Everleigh get out of the plane chuckling, this is unbelievable. I swirl around and look up at the cloudless sky, filled with stars.
It is hot, really hot. And I have a little too much clothes on. We hurry into the cold airport. It is white and big, but it is very different compared to the airport in Toronto.
We get our luggage and find a corner to sit down in.

"Let's see" Everleigh says and pulls out a paper. "Where at you having your apartment?" she asks as she reads the paper.

"Um.. let me check" I say and search for my paper for the apartment. "Here, look at it" I say and hand her the paper with my apartment information on. Her eyes widen.

"No freaking way" she says and looks at me with her deep brown eyes.

"We're sharing apartment?" I ask and she nods. This moment is just great. I give out a happy squeak and hug her tightly.

"This is amazing!" I shout, not too loud.

"We gotta get a cab and get the keys, I know the owners, this should be easy" she says and stands up. I nod and stand up myself and grab my stuff.
We get out from the airport as Everleigh calls for a cab.
I have to make a phone call.

I pick up my phone and search for his name in my contacts. I click it and slowly put the phone to my ear.

"Claire!" Shawn's voice says happily on the other line. As I hear his voice I just want to break down. I sit down and put my head onto my knees with tears burning in my eyes.

"Hey" I force out from my mouth. I have to keep the tears and choked voice away, this isn't healthy.

"Why haven't you answered my calls?" he asks. I breathe in and fast try to get out a good excuse.

"I-I've been busy" I hastily reply. The tears are back and I can breathe normally, with just a little effort. I hit myself with my palm on my forehead because of the excuse, it sucks.

"Oh, what have you been doing?" he asks, still with a happy tone, not knowing I was almost 10 hours, with flight, away from him, which is kind of a relief but still kind of sad.

"Oh, eh.. I've been thinking of my future" I get out and I'm just dragging my hand down my face, I'm so stupid, oh my god, my excuses sucks and I'm the worst liar ever.

"That's cool, what are you gonna do?" he replies, why so curious Shawn?

"I dunno, tell me about you, what are you up to?" I ask, change the subject to him.

"So, this is a really new thing and it got permanent yesterday.." he started and I heard the excitement in his voice.

"Yeah?" I say, want him to continue.

"I'm going on a world tour!" he shouts in my ear. I can't describe the feeling I get when he says those words. My whole world is dark but I also have that light next to me.

It's dark; He'll meet thousands of girls, a lot of pretty girls, and might forget about me.
It's light; He won't have the time to talk or ask me all questions about why I moved and stuff like that, he won't be home.

"I-I.. That's so exciting! I'm so happy for you, Shawn" I reply and look down at my hand I have free. Everleigh comes back to me and stand in front of me, looking down at her phone smiling.

"It is! This is so awesome, a dream come true" he says excited. I am happy for him, I've always supported him in this, his dream, and it's coming a reality. Me on the other side, I don't know what my dream is, I'm just here, in Greece, escaping my loved home country because of a boy I fell in love with I can't be in love with, and he's going on tour.

Was this unnecessary, Diary? I don't know anything right now, everything's a mess. I want him.

"I'm so happy for you, seriously, it's your dream" I say quiet.

"Thank you, Claire" he sighs happily. "I'm sorry, I gotta go, but talk to you later" he adds.

"Yes, of course, bye" I quickly reply and end the phone call. A relief.

"So, the cab?" I ask Everleigh as I stand up.

"Probably here in any minute" she answers, still looking down at her phone. "Yep, here now" she adds and puts away her phone. She smiles at me and takes her bags.

We walk with our luggages to the cab and put it into the trunk of the black Mercedes Bens cab.
The driver closes the trunk and smiles at us.

He's a cute older man, a little chubby, blue shirt and jeans, short gray hair, tan and chubby cheeks with the sweetest smile ever.
Me and Everleigh get into the backseat and he asks us where we want to go.
Everleigh answers with the address to our new apartment.
The driver pulls out on the driveway.
We chat a little with him, he tells us of things we should do on our visit here, about cafes and restaurants. He is really sweet.

"Here we are" he says and parks the car outside some apartments. We are in a neighborhood with a few lights that light up the driveway, which causes us to only see the way and not the neighborhood. Me and Everleigh get out the cab and go back to the trunk.
The driver opens the trunk for us and picks up our luggages.

"Thank you so much" I say and take his hand as I shake it gently.

"Take care, young ladies" he says with his sweet Greece accent. He closes the truck, waves at us and gets into the driver seat, then he pulls out on the driveway and disappears.

"Here it is" Everleigh says and points at the building in front of us. We walk up the stairs, open the front door to the apartment and get up to floor four where our apartment is.
We see the door to our new apartment and an envelope lays in front of it. Everleigh picks it up.

'Everleigh Crimson & Claire Trembley' is written on the white envelope with a squiggly hand writing.
Everleigh opens it and picks out a key. She puts it in the keyhole and turns it around as the door unlocks.


I thought I would leave it a little exciting ;)
I've actually never been to Athens, so this will be exciting #alotofgoogling

A new chapter comes out when I reach:
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