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okay official update schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, bc I have quite a few chapters prewritten at this point
"What are you doing up?"

Jimin rubbed his eyes as he sat up in bed, eyeing Jungkook with a confused expression. The digital clock beside him read 3:01 am, and yet the other was leaned against his windowsill, a glass of water in his hand. The window was opened, the late night wind tousling Jungkook's already unruly hair.

The moonlight illuminated the highest points of his face, making it look as if he was glowing.

"Couldn't sleep." Jungkook said dismissively, tugging the unbuttoned shirt he wore further over him.

Jimin recognized it as his.

Jungkook wore it because the smell comforted him, reminded him of everything that he loved.

It was silent for a moment, only the quiet sound of the whistling wind outside being heard by the both of them.

That is, until Jungkook spoke up once more. "Who are you, Jimin?"

The words caused Jimin's eyes to widen, sitting up further and tugging his blanket over him. He shivered softly, looking up and catching Jungkook's gaze. He looked tired, eyes drooping as he looking back out the window.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked, frowning and attempting not to let his nerves be seen. "I'm just Jimin."

"Just Jimin." Jungkook repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Alright, 'Just Jimin', tell me about yourself."

Jimin gulped, not fully prepared to create a convincing lie at this point.

"Why?" He asked, simply as a way to stall time and come up with a reasonable life story that he could bluff.

"Because in all honestly I thought you were just going to be a one night stand, but apparently not..." He gestured between them. "So you must want something to do with me if you wanted me in your bed for a second time."

"I..." Jimin gulped. "I just find you interesting." He jumped to clarify once Jungkook's expression changed to a confused one. "I don't know... One night with you just wasn't enough, because I couldn't get you off my mind." A lie. "You're not like anyone else I've met." Another lie.

Jungkook's expression softened, a small smile appearing on his lips. "And I'm Park Jimin, not 'Just Jimin'" Jimin laughed softly.

"Cute." Jungkook chuckled, taking a sip of his water. "How old are you?"

"24." It sounded like a reasonable age to Jimin. Much more reasonable than saying that he was technically a few weeks old. "You?"

"22." Jungkook answered, closing the window and walking over to where Jimin sat. "To be honest, I thought that you would be younger than me."

Jimin laughed softly, pulling the blanket over his bare body more when Jungkook sat down beside him.

"Why?" He asked, grinning when Jungkook reached forwards and ruffled his hair. "A lot of people usually think that I'm older than my age."

"That has to be a lie." Jungkook grinned, pushing Jimin's shoulder softly. "You're really cute, when you're not..." Jungkook trailed off, now noticing as Jimin let the blanket fall off of his shoulders, the fabric only covering what was below his hips.

"When I'm not what?" Jimin asked, a smirk on his lips as he took Jungkook's hand and rested it on his thigh. "Go on."

"You know exactly what I'm taking about." Jungkook whispered, leaning forwards and staring deep into Jimin's eyes. "By the way, I don't think I've ever mentioned how cool your eyes are, considering that I usually don't get more than a sentence out before I lose my self control with you."

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