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I wrote this chapter while listening to hollaback girl so I couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook strutting up to the devil with Gwen stefani playing in the background
you're welcome for the mental image

also this is the last chapter whoops
It was hot.

Oh god, was it hot. Jungkook focused on keeping his breathing regulated, squeezing his eyes shut still. He knew that Hoseok told him that he could open his eyes as soon as it got hotter, but he was a bit scared to.

He was in hell; as soon as he opened his eyes he would have to accept that, and he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to. But then, as he came to realize that he was still holding Jimin's hand, he remembered what he was really there for.

He gulped before opening his eyes, trembling once he took in his surroundings. The walls looked like they were the side of a jagged cliff, an ominous red lighting causing them to seem to just glow. The tile that he sat on was made of black marble tile, a near searing heat coming up from below and heating the ground.

He let go of Jimin's hand, taking a shaking breath before he took the demon into his arms, standing up and carrying him bridal style. His head fell against Jungkook's shoulder, making the younger have to look away as he felt tears well up in his eyes once more.

Jungkook took a deep breath before starting to walk forwards, his sneakers insulating the heat that came up from the ground. He was already starting to sweat, but it was all for Jimin. He was okay with it as long as it was for Jimin.

The further he walked, the more that the path he walked down began to narrow, and he became suddenly aware of the two rivers that rushed beside him on either side. They looked innocent enough, but they were in hell, so he knew that nothing could be exactly as what it seemed to be.

"If only my mom knew where I was right now." He sighed, adjusting his hold on Jimin's limp body. "She'd have a stroke."

In all honesty, Jungkook should have been more panicked than he currently was as he walked down the pathway to the devil's throne; but he couldn't find himself to be, because he knew that it was for Jimin's sake. That was the only thing that was still keeping him somewhat sane at this point.

He needed Jimin back. He would do absolutely anything that it took.

However, when the devil finally began to come into view, there were no words to even describe to fear that struck through his entire body. All of the other fear that he had ever experienced in his life was irrelevant, because nothing compared to this level of terror.

She didn't look scary, Jungkook noticed as he walked even closer, but it was the knowledge of who she was and what power she held, that had panic rushing through Jungkook's veins.

"So you're the one that killed my demon, huh?" She spoke up, legs crossed as she leaned back in her throne. She brushed a few pieces of hair out of her eyes, raising an eyebrow at the human in front of her. "You're so brave to come down here, considering that it's my domain, and I can just do with you what I please."

Jungkook gulped, looking down at Jimin's peaceful expression.

"I'm here to ask you to bring Jimin back." He spoke, proud of himself when his voice didn't tremble at all. "Please, I need him back."

The devil laughed, the sound causing a shiver to go down Jungkook's spine.

"What makes you think that you're in a position to be asking me for favours?" She sneered. "You don't have a right to even be here, so you certainly don't have a right to ask me to do anything for you."

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