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Jimin's about to either do something kinda smart or really stupid depending on how you look at it.
Jimin had fallen into a cycle.

Go out at night, pick somebody to go home with, do his job and dread it with each passing day, and then go home and attempt to distract his mind from last nights events.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

He found his day to day routine so boring, he found himself to start believing that he had absolutely nothing to lose.

"Jimin? Leaving so soon?"

Jimin was slowly but surely, starting to crumble. Physically and mentally, although the physically side was unbeknownst to him. He slowly began to dread going out at night, it becoming a chore as he made people become drugged on his scent.

But the act of it, the touches and the sweat and the corruption gave Jimin a surge of energy that seemed to be hard to come across anywhere else. If only he could achieve those upsides in some other way.

Jimin sighed at the voice that graced his ears, pausing in the middle of picking his pants up off the stranger's floor. He looked over to the unfamiliar bed, a frown on his lips as he rested his gaze upon the girl that he had messed with that night. Her hair was messy, eyes tired as she wrapped the comforter around her bare form.

"Jisu, right?" He asked, rubbed his tired eyes and watching the girl frown.

"Jieun." She corrected, dropping her gaze to the floor. Jimin immediately mirrored her expression, gulping and biting his lip.

"Right, I'm sorry." He apologized, walking over to the side of the bed and lifting her chin up with his index finger. "I have to get going, Jieun." He sighed, watching as the girl's hurt expression faded away. "I've got work in a few hours."

"You can't stay a little while longer?" She pouted, Jimin shaking his head and smiling sadly.

"If I go back to sleep now I'll never wake up in time." He explained, Jieun finally nodding and sighing sadly.

"Okay." She exhaled. "But we'll meet up again, right?"

Jimin hesitated, but nodded.

"Here." He spoke, walking over and picking up a notepad and pen off of Jieun's nightside table. "If you promise me you'll go back to sleep, I'll write my number down here and then we can talk some more, and meet up again."

Jieun smiled.

"Deal!" She beamed, giggling as she watched Jimin pick up his pants and struggle to get them on. "Goodnight, Jimin." She lay back down on the bed, turning over and pulling the blankets over her even more.

"Goodnight, Jieun." Jimin exhaled, Jieun smiling as she listened to the sound of a pen scrawling across a piece of paper, just like Jimin had promised.

And the she listened to the rustle of clothes as he put his shirt back on, and his quiet footsteps as he left the room. It was only after she heard her front door shut, that she sat up, keeping the bedsheets wrapped around her as she got out of bed and walked towards her nightside table.

She flicked her lamp on, but felt her heart sink when she read what was written messily across the page of the notepad.



"Jimin? It's four in the morning what are you-"

Jungkook immediately paused, upon noticing Jimin's disheveled appearance, and the apartment that he just walked out of. His neighbour Jieun never had many guests over, but it looked to be like Jimin wasn't going to be a reoccurring visitor. "Nevermind. I got it."

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