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"This isn't Jimin's apartment... I should know, I've been there before."

Hoseok smirked, simply nodding and locking the front door behind him. The fact that the front door locked from the inside with a key had a freezing bolt of fear shoot down his spine, goosebumps arising on his skin.

"I know." Hoseok chuckled softly, tucking the key in his back pocket and walking up to Jungkook. Jungkook took a few steps, gulping and bringing his arms up to cover himself in an act of defence. "But Jimin just likes you so much. I wanted to see what all of the fuss was about."

He reached forwards and grabbed Jungkook's wrist, the other flinching in response and attempting to shake himself free. "And now that I've met you, I know. You're so gullible and easily influenced. Jimin's already had his fun, now it's our turn. I want to ruin you."

Jungkook's eyes widened, quivering underneath Hoseok's gaze and biting back tears fuelled by fear.

"What do you mean?" He asked, squeezing his eyes shut in terror once Hoseok's other hand grabbed his jaw and forced him to look in his direction.

"I want you to be just a shell of who you are." Hoseok grinned. "I want to know if you can still even be considered human once we're done with you."

"What do you mean 'we'?" Jungkook stuttered, opening his eyes and shuddering once he was met with Hoseok's direct eye contact. He could barely think properly with the fear distorting his thoughts, shaking within Hoseok's hold and close to tears.

"Let him go Hoseok." The voice that interrupted Jungkook's thoughts was all too familiar, deep and raspy. Dark, and intimidating.

Jungkook immediately scrambled to the other side of the room the moment that Hoseok let him go, trembling as he locked eyes with Yoongi. He brought the exact same aura of dread that Jungkook had experienced back in Jimin's apartment, eyes narrowed as he leaned against another male that Jungkook had never seen before.

His hair was a light dirty blonde, swept off of his forehead by a red bandana. He was dressed in an oversized sweater, jeans ripped and exposing more of his tan skin.

But God, his eyes.

They drooped with fatigue, but the sky blue irises were still visible and breathtaking.

"Still claiming the job as Jimin's fuck toy huh?" Yoongi snickered, pushing himself off of the wall and motioning for the other male to follow. He followed Yoongi at a slow pace, sighing and feet dragging against the carpeted floor. "So obsessed with him that you were willing to follow a stranger home in hope of getting in Jimin's bed again."

"I'm not obsessed with him." Jungkook defended, uncrossing his arms and taking a step forwards, although part of his mind was advising him against it. Much like all of the other times he spoke to Yoongi, he could already feel anger boiling in the pit of his stomach, taking over him so quickly if was hard to control. "If anything you're more obsessed with him than I am! You hide it behind insults but he's all that you want to talk about am I wrong? 'Jimin's a slut' 'Jimin's a whore'. Jimin this, Jimin that. Get a fucking life!"

"Me, get a life?" Yoongi scoffed, lips tugged down in a deep frown. "Look at yourself first. You risked being mugged just to find your little friend with benefits? Pathetic."

"If you want to talk about pathetic then why don't you look in the mirror for good reference?" Jungkook spat, almost surprised by how quickly the anger built up within him. There was just something about Yoongi that he couldn't stand. Yoongi brought out the worst in him. "Was it your idea to drag me out here? I bet it was, considering that I don't think you have any other hobbies besides throwing Jimin under the bus."

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