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"It's like a natural aphrodisiac, built into my body."

Jimin chuckled softly, watching the way that Jungkook's eyebrows immediately shot up after the words were spoken.

The two of them sat on the roof of Jimin's apartment building; somewhere that they definitely shouldn't be, but one of the only places where they could find privacy and solitude. One of the only places where they could talk, and not have to worry about somebody else trying to shut them up or hold them back.

"What?" Jimin asked, laughing at Jungkook's expression. "You asked, I answered. The devil made me smell real damn good, so that it would be easier for people to fall for me." He paused. "However, it also messes up your mind. Toys with the one section of your brain that makes you crave touch and comfort. And then basically all I have to do is touch you to seal the deal."

Jungkook hummed, looking out onto the skyline that he could see from where they sat. It was midday, the breeze gentle against their skin.

"So once you've got your mind set on someone, they've got no chance do they?" He asked, Jimin shaking his head and resting his hand atop Jungkook's. He played with the younger's fingers, toying with a new ring around his finger. "Why'd you go for me?" He exhaled. "I know I already asked you this when you first revealed yourself to me, but I was all emotional and harsh then, so I'd like to try asking again."

Jimin smiled softly, sliding a bit closer to Jungkook so that their hips touched.

"There's something about you, Jungkook. Something so interesting, that you quickly became the only one I knew I wanted the moment I saw you." He tried to explain. "The second time I saw you was an accident. But after that deep down I knew I wanted to keep you around. I mean of course I tried to deny it because I'm a demon and - no offence - but I shouldn't've been busying myself with one human when I'm supposed to be busying myself with at least five a day."

Jungkook couldn't help but frown, looking over at Jimin as he spoke. "And then everything started to go downhill once you left and I knew that I was starting to lose my... Demonic touch, for lack of a better description." Jimin chuckled to himself. "You're so mesmerizing that even demons fall for you. How's that for an ego boost?"

Jungkook laughed in return, shaking his head softly before resting it against the demon's shoulder.

"You, a demon. It's still so hard to believe." He sighed, closing his eyes.

"I'd be worried if it was easy." Jimin responded, shrugging. "I'm just... Surprised, that I haven't been like, swallowed up by the ground or something yet because of the devil finding out that I told you."

"How would she find out?" Jungkook asked. "Surely, somebody would have to tell her, and Taehyung's the only one that knows."

Jimin hesitated.

"...Yes." He sighed. "But, I feel like she already knows everything, before we even tell her. Whoever tells her gets some loyalty points I guess. Or ass kissing points. Either or."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

"You'd think that if she already knew what you did, then you'd already be dead, no?" He asked, Jimin looking down and sighing deeply.

"I'm already a dead man. She's just waiting for me to accept it to the point that I'll tell her myself." He shrugged. "Her most disappointing demon admitting that he is such; the cherry on top, I guess."

It was silent for a moment. That seemed to happen a lot, possibly because Jimin said a whole bunch of things that were maybe best left without a reply. Maybe because silence was comforting for them at this point. Both of their lives were so loud, sometimes silence was exactly what they needed.

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