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hey hi so Hoseok isn't exactly gonna be a 'sunshine' in this book, but there's lowkey reason behind it so
also a hint on who the devil is: hotdog :)

Jungkook wandered around aimlessly, completely puzzled as to how the older male could have seemingly disappeared into thin air.

Jimin had been gone for over a half hour, and there was no trace of him anywhere.

The air outside was frigid, goosebumps arising on his skin as he continued walking; he wasn't even sure why he was so... Obsessed with the male he had met less than two weeks ago, but he felt drawn to him - desperate to keep him in his life.

"You call him Hyung? That's cute." The voice startled Jungkook so much that he jumped, hand flying up to his chest and feeling his rapid pulse beneath it. His gaze finally caught on a male that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Jungkook would've known if he was there beforehand, he had scanned the entire area looking for Jimin.

His hair was ruffled and unruly, the brunette strands obscuring his vision and sticking up at various angles. Jungkook could see bags under his eyes, and a frown on his face.

The male took a step closer, the light from the street lamp that was cast upon him now illuminating the striking green pigment of his eyes. "Why might you be looking for him? Has he captivated you? He's just so perfect, who could resist him?" His words sounded bitter, Jungkook gulping as he walked even closer.

"He has it easy. He's all good looks and pleasing sounds. He was given everything and the rest of us are forced to scramble for the leftovers." He narrowed his eyes, gaze meeting Jungkook's. "How can you not hate people like him? Don't they make you want to take all that they have? Wouldn't it be so fun to see them have nothing at all, and to gain everything that you wanted?"

"Who are you?" Jungkook's voice trembled, the male's words weaving around his mind and striking fear throughout his entire body.

"Me? I'm a... Friend of Jimin's." He smiled coyly. "You can call me Hoseok though, if you'd like."

"You don't sound like you're friends with him." Jungkook commented. "From the way that you talk about him you'd think that you two are enemies."

"Don't get me wrong, I do... Admire Jimin." Hoseok stepped fowards once more, beginning to walk away from Jungkook. "But isn't it human nature to be jealous?"

Jungkook second guessed himself for a moment before he jogged over to catch up to Hoseok, reaching out and grabbing his shoulder.

He immediately turned around, raising an eyebrow as he waited for the other to speak. His eyes shone like emeralds, leaving Jungkook speechless for a moment as he observed them up close.

"You said that you know Jimin. Do you know where he might be?" He used all of his effort to not let his voice tremble, attempting to keep his nerves at bay as he spoke to the intimidating male.

Hoseok's lips turned up into a smirk, nodding slowly and motioning for Jungkook to follow.

"Trusting a stranger so quickly? You're a risk taker, are you?" It was probably just his imagination, but Jungkook felt as if the air grew colder as he walked beside Hoseok. The sky seemed to grow darker as well, making Jungkook sure that he wouldn't be able to find his way back home until the morning. "That can be a good thing. I've been told that I am too."

"I've heard." He was terrified, but he knew that he couldn't turn back now. Hoseok didn't look like he had any weapons on him anyway, it's just that his aura seemed to strike fear into Jungkook's veins.

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