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The city streets were never asleep.

There was always someone waiting, someone drinking until they forgot who they were, and someone who wished that they would end up in somebody else's bed by the end of the night.

Jeon Jungkook, fell into all three of those categories.

He didn't drink to forget his problems, or the things he needed to do; he drank in order to become somebody new. It was so exhilarating to be able to be somebody who you're not, at least just for a night.

Although he was confident while he was sober, alcohol made everyday situations so much more exciting. He could never last though a whole party sober, drinks made up for the adrenaline that wore off quickly.

"Two shots of vodka, straight."

His vision was already fuzzy, but if he shook his head out a few times it cleared up a bit, so he assumed that meant he was okay for a few more drinks. Jungkook had no idea how he was going to get home, he didn't go out with friends so there wasn't anybody to drive him home.

And attempting to drive like this would be a death wish.

Which is why he hoped that he'd meet somebody. Jungkook was quite keen on one night stands, so if he could get laid and a ride home it would be killing two birds with one stone.

He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before picking up one of the shot glasses that was slid towards him. The temperature of the class was cold against the burning temperature of his skin, taking a moment and a deep breath before he brought the glass to his lips and tipped it back.

It burnt as it went down his throat, but the feeling allowed him to remember that he was alive.

The way his eyes watered up a bit reminded him that he could feel.

It was just before he tipped back his second shot that Jungkook caught scent of it. Such an uncommon smell to catch in a bar filled with sweaty bodies and hard liquor; something sweet and almost... Fruity. He set down his glass, looking beside him to see if anyone beside him had ordered a fruity cocktail - but even that wouldn't've produced the scent that flooded Jungkook's senses.

It smelled like all of Jungkook's favourite things. It was raspberries one moment, and freshly cut grass the next breath in.

Jungkook unknowingly allowed his eyes to droop closed, entire body feeling warm as he began to loose sense of where he was. He knew that his fingers were still grasping the cold shot glass, but he was having trouble bringing his mind back to earth.

"Straight vodka? I've always heard that people who drink that are the best partiers." The voice that graced his ears was even sweeter.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes once more, forgetting to breathe for a moment when he caught sight of who sat beside him. He seemed to glow, skin flawless and shining underneath the fluorescent lights of the club. His hair fell effortlessly but perfectly at the same time, raven coloured strands looking feathery and soft. "Well? Am I wrong?"

"I..." It was his eyes that took Jungkook's breath away. The outer irises were brown, but they faded into a deep red towards the middle. So unlike anyone else he had even seen before. "I've been called the life of the party once or twice."

"Have you now?" The male leaned a bit closer, the fabric of his t-shirt slipping off his shoulder and exposing more of his skin. Getting laid wasn't Jungkook's main priority when he walked into the club that night but now looking at the person who sat beside him - he wanted to just take him. His mind was swirling with thoughts of how much he wanted to bite that his plump lips, or tug at his styled hair.

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