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Jungkook could no longer touch Jimin without feeling guilty.

Now that he knew that each action of affection that he directed towards Jimin was hurting him, it was hard to even look at him without worrying that he was causing him pain.

He invited Jimin over to tell him that they needed to part ways. His conscience was screaming at him at this point, telling him 'Jungkook, you can't do this to him.' It was going to hurt to leave him, but staying would cause Jimin even more pain - and he didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve to be brought closer to death each day just so that Jungkook could cuddle up next to him.

"Jungkook?" Jimin's voice rang throughout the younger's apartment, sounding as sweet as always, despite being raspy.

Jungkook looked down the hallway that Jimin had disappeared down about ten minutes ago, blushing upon the sight of the demon leaning against the doorway of the bathroom; hair dripping wet and torso clad with one of Jungkook's white t-shirts. It was quite big on him, the hem resting around mid-thigh.

It was raining when Jimin walked to his apartment, but the demon didn't want to postpone the plans just because he didn't have a car. Jungkook felt guilty that he had walked in the unforgiving weather, ushering him to have a warm shower the moment that he arrived.

And looking at him as he walked closer, all of the reasons Jungkook was going to give for leaving died on his tongue. The thought of even telling Jimin that he was going to leave fizzled out in his brain.

Because Jimin looked so beautiful, and for some reason he didn't look like he was crumbling apart as drastically as before. His hair being wet and swept off of his forehead masked the fragility of it. The oversized shirt disguised his deteriorating body, and Jungkook could swear that his eyes looked just as bright as the first time he saw him.

"Somebody looks deep in thought." Jimin chuckled softly, choosing to sit on Jungkook's lap, as opposed to any of the open spots on the couch. The younger wasn't complaining.

"Always am." Jungkook responded softly, reaching up and brushing a few wet pieces of hair out of Jimin's eyes. "How're you feeling?"

Jimin shrugged, resting his arms on Jungkook's shoulders.

"Well enough to get by." He sighed, raising an eyebrow as he caught sight of Jungkook's new ring once more. It was s pretty rose gold, a few diamonds dotting the surface. "Where'd you get that?" He asked, although he was pretty sure he already knew - though he didn't exactly like the answer.

Jungkook looked down to his hand, raising an eyebrow before lifting his hand up so that Jimin could get a better look.

"Seokjin gave it to me." He answered softly, watching how Jimin's lips twitched into a slight frown. In all honesty, Jimin didn't like having all of the sins mess with Jungkook at once, it wasn't fair to gang up on him like that.

Jimin merely hummed, eyebrows then shooting up at the way Jungkook's eyes darted down to observe the expanse of bare thigh that was on display from his choice of attire. He bit back a chuckle, a smile playing at his lips. With all of the tears and heartache, it had been so long since him and Jungkook had gotten to completely indulge in each other. "Lift it up."

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