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"I'm sorry."

Jimin sighed, dabbing a wet cloth across Jungkook's busted lip gently. He wiped away the blood as carefully as he could, frowning each time Jungkook winced. "I bet you're not going to like this but," Jimin paused. "I don't think we should do... Whatever this is, anymore."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, leaning away when Jimin tried to wipe away the blood around his nose. A frown tugged at his lips, pulling his hand away from where he held Jimin's.

"You don't even know what we are, and you're trying to break it off." Jungkook spoke, staring into the older's eyes. Jimin didn't answer right away, instead leaning forwards once again and dabbing at Jungkook's bloody nose.

"It's for your own good." He mumbled, wincing along with Jungkook as he touched upon a tender spot on the younger's nose. "You got hurt because of me, you'd be safer if you stopped coming around."

"I didn't get hurt because of-" Jungkook began, Jimin quickly cutting him off.

"It was a carefully orchestrated plan, Jungkook." Jimin grumbled. "Hoseok and I... Aren't on good terms. Haven't been for awhile. He purposefully lured you in. He knew that you'd follow the moment that he mentioned my name. If you didn't do it willingly, he probably would've found a way to get you there using some other strategy." He put his towel down, unwrapping a bandaid. "They wouldn't've done this if you didn't know me."

"I thought you said that they're your friends." Jungkook frowned, watching as Jimin leaned up to stick the bandage on his forehead.

"I lied." Jimin sighed, leaning back down and lifting up Jungkook's shirt. He immediately hissed, upon seeing the colourful bruises around the younger's ribcage.

"Then who are they?" Jungkook asked, voice strained with pain as Jimin pressed against his side gently to assess the damage.

"I can't tell you that." Jimin huffed.

"What do you mean you can't tell me?" Jungkook asked, his frown not seeming to be leaving his face anytime soon.

Jungkook's thoughts were filled to the brim with confusion. Never would he imagine that the intriguing make he met at the club that one night, could turn into such a mystery.

"I just can't." Jimin mumbled, tugging Jungkook's shirt back down and shaking his head. "But if you stay with me it's just going to happen again. I just know it is. Hoseok doesn't let up, and if Yoongi and Taehyung are helping him now then they probably wouldn't hesitate to in the future."

Jimin knew he shouldn't care. He shouldn't give a damn about what danger he might be putting Jungkook through. The whole point of the sins was to harm human beings, not care for them.

"What the hell Jimin?" Jungkook breathed, meeting gazes with the older once again. "Are you in a gang or something like that?"

Jimin hesitated.

He broke free of Jungkook's gaze, casting his towards the bedsheets.

"I can't tell you." He sighed, Jungkook's eyes widening.

"You are!" He exclaimed, Jimin immediately shaking his head and shushing him.

"I'm not in a gang, Jungkook." He spoke. "But I'm also not the safest people to be around."

It was only then that Jungkook noticed the one thing that was different about Jimin. He could see, peaking out from under the older's shirt collar, a scarred area of skin that somewhat resembled a burn.

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