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Jimin slept soundly beside him.

The demon's head rested on his lap, the rest of his body sprawled across the length of the couch. His skin was kissed with golden hues due to the setting sun that seeped through the window.

His hair was feathery, fanning around his head like a halo; although that may seem ironic to say.

However, no matter how peaceful and beautiful he looked then, his appearance still worried Jungkook. Because his sun kissed skin still looked pale and worn, his plump pink lips looked cracked, and his feather soft hair was breaking off at even the gentlest of touches.

It was if he was slowly breaking apart in Jungkook's hands, and the thought made the human's heart ache.

Taehyung had left a few hours beforehand, after making sure that Jimin's coughing fit was gone for the time being, and bidding the two goodbye. Jungkook knew he wasn't happy, he tried to mask it to not bring any more stress into Jimin; but Jungkook knew that him knowing they were demons wasn't sitting well.

Jungkook couldn't blame him, he already knew that he was seen as inferior to them, so knowing their secrets wasn't exactly something that they would like.

He jumped when Jimin stirred, the sound of a small cough leaving his mouth ringing throughout the otherwise quiet room.

Jungkook waited for a few moments, hoping wholeheartedly that he wouldn't be set off into another fit of coughs. The episode from earlier was still imprinted in his mind, the image of Jimin gasping for air, tears rolling down his face as violent coughs tore through his body; it was too much.

And Taehyung not allowing him to help Jimin just made it worse, he felt numb as he watched the demon suffer, pulling against Taehyung's grip because he needed to help.

He couldn't bare to see Jimin in pain.

To Jungkook's relief, the cough wasn't accompanied by any others, and the demon shifted where he lay, the side of his face comfortably pressed against Jungkook's thighs. He was so unbelievably beautiful, Jungkook would describe him to look like an angel if he didn't know the truth.

If demons were this mesmerizing, maybe there's a reason angels keep themselves hidden.

Jungkook sighed, carefully sliding his phone out of his back pocket in an attempt to make sure Jimin didn't wake up. His efforts proved to be successful, and he raised an eyebrow once he turned on his phone and noticed three new messages from Seokjin.

He furrowed his eyebrows, trying his hardest to remember what sin Taehyung had said he was. Envy? No. Definitely not.

His eyes scanned over the messages, a smile tugging at his lips as he read the first one:

hey kook, when's the next time you can come over? i miss my beautiful boy :(

The second one:

namjoon bought a few things that i know you'll look gorgeous in!

And the third:

it was hard to convince him to use his own money, but anything for you :)

'I miss my beautiful boy.' A soft pink hue bloomed against the skin of Jungkook's face, his stomach doing a flip. Him? Beautiful? He'd never been referred to as that before. Jimin never referred to him as such, the only time a compliment towards him that wasn't during sex left Jimin's lips was when he was calming Jungkook down after revealing that he was a demon.


But then Jungkook looked down at the demon once again, and couldn't find it in him to be mad. He was a demon after all, walking lust. He wasn't made to give compliments, he was made to get them.

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