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Oh, he could remember it all.

Every single minute of it.

"Hoseok, do you want to repeat to me what you just said?"

Jimin remembered Hoseok standing his ground, not even scared that the devil was standing in front of him and growing angrier by the minute.

"I said," Hoseok repeated, taking a step closer. Jimin stood beside him, providing Hoseok with support after the other sins had dashed out upon learning that he was in trouble with the devil. "I don't want to go up to earth. Why the hell should I spend my time messing around with creatures that already have it better than all others when they damn well shouldn't?" Hoseok spat, narrowing his eyes. "I'm not living my life surrounded by a species of spoiled brats."

Jimin inhaled and closed his eyes, completely aware that Hoseok just dug the hole that he was in deeper than it was before.

"You wouldn't have time to waste if I didn't create you." The devil sneered, standing up and walking up to face Hoseok. "And it's funny how you think that you have a choice."

"I'm not your property." Hoseok retaliated, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm not scared of you, and I never will be."

That was around the point that the devil snapped, grabbing Hoseok by his shirt collar and dragging him over to the edge of the platform that they stood on. The pathway to the devil's throne was bordered by two rivers on each side, both of which containing a substance that, although looked like water, was not. It would burn the skin of anybody that it touched, and all of the sins knew that.

All of the creatures in hell knew that.

According to rumour, the devil created them to dispose of demons and souls that he couldn't be bothered to deal with anymore. Whether it be because they didn't work well enough, or because they defied him.

"Listen, Envy. You're brave, I'll give you that." The devil chuckled, pushing Hoseok closer to the edge until only the balls of his feet were on the platform. "But sometimes bravery and stupidity go hand in hand."

"Jimin!" Hoseok called, desperately hoping that the smaller demon would do something. He and Jimin got along the best, of course he would help, right? Hoseok knew that his retaliation towards the devil wouldn't end well, but being pushed into the hellish rivers was known there to be one of the worst things that can happen to someone.

He never expected that it would go that far.

"Oh you're calling for Jimin?" The devil laughed. "Nobody's going to help you Hoseok, you did this to yourself."

"Jimin!" Hoseok called again anyways, "Please."

"Fine." The devil sighed. "Jimin, if you take Hoseok's spot right now I'll let him free, but you have to suffer the consequences of his actions."

Jimin bit his lip, almost unable to break contact with Hoseok's pleading gaze. He looked like he was close to tears from his fright, but Jimin just couldn't.

"I'm sorry." Jimin spoke, shaking his head and taking a few steps back. "I'm so sorry."

And he could still remember the way Hoseok's face fell the minute he spoke, defeat taking over his features.

The devil merely smirked, raising an eyebrow before looking back to Hoseok.

"I hope you can swim."

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