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"God, Jimin I'm going to just have to take you right here."

It was an irritating situation. The unfamiliar, much too strong cologne that stuffed up his nose. The movements that were too harsh, too demanding. Hands gripping too tight, teeth sinking in too deep; but he had to.

It was his job.

He had only left the house because Yoongi had starting yelling at him again. He knew that he wasn't being as good of a demon as he could be, but he just found himself not wanting to pick up random people to take home anymore. He didn't like how they pushed him around and treated him like a toy, but it was something that couldn't be avoided.

'Jimin, if you're not going to act like a demon, then go back to hell and ask the devil to fix you or something.' Yoongi had scolded him earlier that day. 'You're not a human no matter how much you try, so at the end of the day, remember where you came from.'

Which brought him to the situation he was in currently. He refused to go back to hell unless he had to after what happened, and so he forced himself to put his best self forwards when he went out that night.

"I don't even think I can wait long enough to get you home." Jimin hated how raspy the unfamiliar man's voice was, and how hot his breath was against his skin. "You wouldn't mind that would you, Jimin?"

Jimin knew that he had to shake his head and agree.

"Please." He gasped out, squeezing his eyes shut as the man pushed even further up against the brick wall behind him. He was much too aggressive for Jimin's liking, and although he knew what type of effect his powers had on people, the way his head hit against the wall from the man's moments was off putting. "Take me."

He really didn't want it, but he had to.

He had to. It was his job. He was lust, this was what he was made for.

But there was something about the way that man greedily pulled at his belt buckle, that had Jimin knowing that the words he spoke were not the same as the thoughts that ran through his head.


"You know that nobody compares to you, right Jungkook?"

Jungkook smiled as Seokjin adjusted the collar of his new button up shirt, looking deep into into the other's deep purple irises as he felt his confidence grow exponentially by the second.

He had come into contact with Seokjin again after their encounter in the elevator, seeing him at the coffee shop that he would go to meet up with Taehyung.

He had helped Jungkook to ease some of his worries a little bit, even introducing him to his roommate Namjoon.

"Of course I know that." Jungkook answered right away, his smile only growing once Seokjin nodding approvingly. He leaned down and rolled up Jungkook's sleeves, then smoothing out any wrinkles on his shirt.

"Namjoon, come here." Seokjin called, motioning for the other man Jungkook had become acquainted with.

His hair was a dusty lavender, falling perfectly against his forehead. He was just as adorned in gold and diamonds as Seokjin was, maybe a bit more, everything that he wore looking incredibly expensive.

But he didn't intimidate Jungkook, they had already exchanged pleasantries.

"Which one would you like Jungkook?" He asked, rolling up his sleeve and allowing the younger to see all of the shiny bracelets that he wore. "Think long and hard."

Both demons watched intently as Jungkook's eyes scanned across the jewellery. They both had an answer that they wanted to leave the younger's mouth, both wanted confirmation that their efforts on the human had broken through to him.

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