Chapter 1: An owl in Arendelle

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Elsa's POV

I sat at my desk filling out a form. I didn't know what it was for, I just wanted to act like my mother. I am going to be queen someday, might as well learn how to do forms. I stared down at the form. It had lots of big words I didn't understand. Being only eleven, I had pretty extensive vocabulary but I still couldn't tell what any of these words meant.

I was enjoying the breeze from the window when all of the sudden, a big envelop hit me in the back of the head.

"Ow! Anna..."

I heard a screech and turned around in time to see a snowy owl disappear out my window.

An owl in Arendelle? How strange. No one uses those to deliver messages anymore. At least anyone writing to an eleven-year-old.

I picked up the envelop and read,

Dear Princess Elsa of Arendelle,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School For Witchcraft and Wizardry. We expect your owl back as soon as possible. Semester begins September 13.

Yours Sincerely,

Kidagakash Nedakh

Deputy Headmistress

Hogwarts? Where had I heard that before? I read through the rest of the papers and then flopped into my chair astounded.

Cauldrons? Wands? Brooms? Witchcraft? The only thought going through my mind was, "They think I'm stupid."

I stood up and walked to my door. I grabbed the door knob ready to scream at Anna. As soon as I touched the door Anna burst through knocking me on the ground.

"Elsa! Elsa! Elsa! Guess what I just received! Go on guess." She looked around and found me on the floor. "Elsa? Why are you down there."

"I got ran over."

"Elsa..." She then spotted the letter in my hand. "YOU GOT ONE TOO?!"

Wait, Anna got a letter too?

"Anna, you know its not real, right?" I asked with a straight face.

"Of course its real! You saw the owl!"

"Anna they're probably just scam artists wanting our money."

"Then how did they get our names and titles?"

I slapped my hand to my forehead. We are the princesses. Who isn't going to know our name and title?

"Anna, they aren't exactly hard to find. We are princesses."

"Oh, right." She giggled. "That still doesn't mean that this is a scam."


We argued like this for another good fifteen minutes before we heard a knock at the door. We instinctively smoothed our hair and clothes and corrected our posture.

"Yes?" I answered in the politest tone possible.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but hear you want to know more about Hogwarts."

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