Chapter 9: Surprises in the Halls

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Rapunzel's POV.

It had been three days since Anna was put in the infirmary. She was doing well, but she hadn't opened her eyes yet. I asked Madam Merryweather about it and she said that healing takes time. I went to visit her one day and a boy sat beside her bed. He was talking to her.

"Oh, Anna. Please wake up. I want to see your beautiful eyes. I want to hear your laugh again." the boy said.

I then recognized him. He was once a boy who delivered ice to their kingdom. He and Anna played together. He was from Arendelle too. Just from his voice, I could tell he cared for her. Its so cute. Maybe Anna and Elsa could go on a double date this summer. Anna with this boy, and Elsa with Hans. They had only been hanging out a couple of days, but he had his arm around Elsa at all times. He would also sometimes plant kisses on her cheek. It was so cute!

I decided to visit Anna later and walked towards the classes. I then heard a voice from a deserted hallway. I followed it being naturally curious, and what I found shook me to the core. There in the hallway was Hans leaning over another Slytherin girl. They were laughing. They might have just been friends, but then she planted a big kiss on his mouth. I gasped and gave myself away. Hans immediately saw me and stormed towards me. I began to run but he jumped in front of me. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at my throat.

"Don't speak a word about this to anyone. Especially Elsa." he said through gritted teeth. I nodded my head furiously and he stormed off. I stood there trying to regain my breath. What was I going to do?


Hiccup's POV.

I ran through the halls trying to catch my breath. I was late again! Professor N is going to kill me. I raced down the hallways trying to find my way around. It was the fourth day of school and I still couldn't find my way to the front door! I ran down an empty hallway, and heard a voice in the far corridor.

"Look, I know you don't like me getting personal with her but it will work for my plans. I need her to trust me. If I get her to trust me I can manipulate her." a familiar voice said.

"Alright, but I don't see why we don't kidnap her and threaten to kill her sister." a dark voice said obviously frustrated.

"No! She must trust me." I then realised who the voice was. It was Hans! Who did he need for what plan?

"I'm guessing you didn't notice but someone's eavesdropping," the dark voice said with a laugh. Then I heard his laugh behind me. Some dust was sprinkled on me and everything went black.


Merida's POV.

I walked down the hall way on the way to where I hid my bows and arrows when I saw feet sticking out of the end of a corridor. At least one foot. The other had a curved piece of metal in place of a foot. I then dropped the apple I was eating and raced over to him. My cousin was lying on his back with his eyes clamped shut. He was whimpering and shaking. What is wrong with him?

"Hiccup! Wake up!" I said shaking him. He just whimpered more.

I thought about how far away the nearest classroom was. For the first time in my life I was actually going to scream for help. I then released a scream that would freeze anyone in their tracks.

Almost Immediately, Professor Milo Thatch ran up to me.

"Is he...?" he stammered.

"Dead? No. But he is in some sort of coma. He seems to be having a nightmare."

At those words, Professor Thatch seemed to tense up. He then ran to get the headmaster and said he'd be back soon.

I then heard a laughing from the shadows. A man in a dark robe with black hair, ashen skin, and hauntingly golden eyes.

"He was so easy to make fall into fear." the shadow man said with a chuckle. I pulled out my wand. I was ready to set this guy on fire. He took a step towards me and tried to shoot me with black sand. I shouted a spell and blocked it.

He laughed, "You have fire girl. But even the greatest hero's have a fear. Yours will be even simpler to find." He then shot sand unexpectedly at me and hit my arm. My skin started turning gray. It began to spread all over my body. Slowly I began to feel terrified. Everything went dark for a few moments. I then saw a light I ran towards it. It grew brighter and brighter until I realized it was a fire. My home was on fire. I tried to find my wand but it did no good. It was gone. I ran around trying to do something. I then saw in the corner my mother, father, and brothers lying in a corner. None were moving. I then fell to the ground and began to cry and whimper. My home was gone. My family was gone. Just let the fire engulf me.


Professor Milo Thatch's POV.

I walked briskly down the halls to where I had found Mrs. Dunbroch with the boy. I saw them and gasped. Merida was now a few feet away lying on her side with her wand still clutches in her hand. Even though she was unconscious, you could see the expressions of terror on her face. I looked at North and I could see the worry in his expression.

"What now sir?" I asked.

"We must inform the students and teachers." he replied in his thick accent.

"Students?" I asked, "Do they need to be informed?"

"I will not leave them in the dark. For now, let us get these kids to the infirmary and have Sandy look them over. I am scared that the thing we fear most is back." he said with a grim expression.

Author's Note.

Hey guys! sorry for updating late. (I hate writers block.) hope you enjoyed the story. And hey go check out brylinc's stuff. If you like x-men you'll love this. So don't forget to comment. Have a nice day

ight\whatever time it is!

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