Chapter 8: Waking up in the Hall

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Elsa's POV

As I lay in bed, I tossed and turned. This bed was so uncomfortable. I don't know when but I fell asleep and started dreaming. I was walking the halls of Hogwarts. I looked at all the paintings. Instead of moving, they sat perfectly still like the ones in the castle. I realized I wasn't wearing my nightgown or robes. I was wearing a beautiful blue dress that seemed to be pure ice and snow. I walked to the Grand Staircase and stood at the top of the stairs. For some reason I felt this hatred. I then spread my arms out and let loose a torrent of ice and snow down the staircase. It wrapped itself up the walls, covered the paintings, and danced down the hall. I felt powerful. I felt that for once I could let it all out. I then saw Anna playing at the bottom of the steps in a mound of snow. I tried to yell at her but my voice wouldn't work. I felt something else inside me. It was anger and hate. I stretched my arm towards her. I tried willing myself to stop but nothing would work. Anna looked up and saw me. At first she seemed happy, then she started looking scared.


I felt the ice leave my fingers and saw them leap towards her. I tried with all my might to stop, but it didn't work. The ice struck her heart. She instantly grabbed her chest and fell to her knees. She slowly was coated in ice and then shattered. I ran down the steps and tried to pick up the pieces. I looked up and saw the headmaster and Jack.

"Jack! Professor North! You have to help my sister. I couldn't stop.. I tried..." I managed.

Jack looked at me with cold eyes, "How could you? She was your sister. You killed her. I never want to see you again."

"You are now expelled from Hogwarts. Never return." the headmaster said angrily.

I felt a pang in my heart, "No. You have to believe me. I didn't mean to."

They turned and walked away. They left me there screaming, trying to get my sister to wake up.

I suddenly whipped my eyes open. I looked around. I was laying on the floor in front of the Grand Staircase. I started to panic. How did I get here? Why was I here? I was in my bed. Now I'm out here. I tried to recall my dream but it brought a headache.

"What are you doing here?" a voice asked. I turned to see a boy a couple years older than me standing above me.

"I'm just..."

"Did you sleep there?" he asked. He was tall with auburn hair and he was getting small side burns.

"I, um..."

"It's all right. I won't say anything. I'm Hans." he offered a hand to help me up. I took it and stood up and realized I was wearing the blue gown from my dream.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I have know idea how I got in this dress. I have know idea how I got to the bottom of the staircase. Last thing I remember was trying to get comfortable on the beds." I said frantically.

A look of realization crossed his face, "You're that first year who froze the floors and walls in the potions' room!"

I face palmed. I had completely forgotten I had done that. Now that was the only thing the school would be talking about.

"It's all right. I won't make fun of you. What is your name?" he asked politely.

"Princess Elsa of Arendelle." I said out of habit. I face palmed again.

"Princess..?" he then instantly knelt and said, "M'lady."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You don't have to act all formal. We are at school, remember?"

"Right," he said. "So, can I interest you in some breakfast? We could sit together. You are in Slytherin, right?"

I nodded. I couldn't help but be a little surprised. How could some one so nice be in Slytherin and not Hufflepuff?

"How long have you been here at Hogwarts?" I asked.

"Two years. I'm assuming you're a first year. I've never seen your pretty face around here before." he replied with a smile.

We continued chatting as we walked towards the dinning hall. Hans turned left suddenly in the direction of the dormitories.

"Aren't we going to breakfast?" I asked.

He smiled. "Elsa, your dress."

I looked down and remembered the gown I was wearing. I had forgotten I had it on. It felt natural. "Sorry. I forgot." I said. I quickly changed and put my hair into a tight, braided bun, instead of the loose braid I had woken up in. As I walked towards Hans in the Commons, Jack stopped me.

"There you are! I was wondering where you were!" He said.

"Sorry, Jack. I was out on a walk with Hans." I gestured towards him.

"Him?" he sounded surprised.

"Yeah, him. He sweet and kind. Do you have a problem with him?"

"I don't trust him. And neither should you."

"Elsa," Hans said coming up behind Jack, "is this kid bothering you?

"No, he wasn't. Sorry Jack, we'll catch up later." I said walking away. I then felt Hans put his arm around me. I looked back at Jack, who was turning red from frustration.

Authors Note

Hey! Omg! I can not believe I wrote this chapter. The dream. Omg! I will tell you this about my story. Nothing good comes from Hans.

You guys are absolutely amazing. 1.1 K views! *squeals excitedly* Don't forget to leave comments! I want to know what you guys think. I will be adding Kristoff soon. (You're welcome Bry!) I will also add the rest of the group don't worry. so yeah.

have a nice day

ight\whatever time it is!

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